Nicho:质量工程师招聘条件:Quality engineer岗位职责:Job responsibilities:1. 独立完成公司采购产品的内检或外检工作并完成英文检验报告; Independently complete the internal and external inspection of the purchased products and complete the English inspection report.2. 负责质量文件整理保管; Responsible for the production, quality, technical drawing documents sorting and filing. 任职要求:1、工科类专业本科毕业; Bachelor degree in engineering;2、熟练使用Word、Excel等常用办公软件; Proficient in Word, Excel and other common office software; 3、具备英语读写能力; Good English reading, writing skills.5、具有强烈责任心及协调各方交流的能力; Strong sense of responsibility and ability to coordinate communication.6、有从事机械加工、锻造、铸造、焊接类产品质量检验或制造经验者优先; Experience in quality inspection or manufacturing of machining, forging, casting and welding products is preferred.