Description Principal Responsibilities - Proactively manage a complex portfolio of clients, becoming a trusted advisor to lead strategic dialogues with clients at a portfolio level through the understanding of specific business requirements and delivering creative and flexible customer solutions - To hand over customer relationship properly to their relationship managers after closing sales - To provide excellent services to customers and ensure all enquiries and complaints are accurately and effectively resolved to customers' satisfaction - To participate actively in team building activities to share information/ideas while contributing suggestions for work improvement - Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets Qualifications: - University degree or above (recognized by the state) - Strong interpersonal skills and effective presentation skills - Well-developed service and sales attitude with ability to work under pressure - Presentable, Outgoing and Persuasive - Good oral and written English is preferable 客户拓展代表 主要职责 - 主要负责中高端客户的开发,向潜在客户介绍汇丰的服务,发掘关于银行服务的需求并发展为汇丰客户 - 负责销售渠道的开发以及维护, 负责前期客户关系的维护和客户关系的交接 - 为客户提供优良的服务,确保客户的询问得到准确有效的回复,提高客户满意度 - 主动接洽合作渠道、持续跟踪潜在客户名单直至成功开户,完成银行设定的工作目标 - 确保有高标准的专业知识,与潜在客户进行更好的沟通 岗位要求 - 本科或以上学历(国家认可); - 优秀的人际交往和有效的沟通技巧; - 能够在高压下工作,良好的服务和销售态度; - 得体, 外向和具有说服力; - 有良好的英语口语和书写能力 我们的福利 汇丰为员工提供全面、贴心的关怀与福利,自入职***天起,员工就可以在多样化和人性化的工作场所做出积极选择,满足自己多层次的需求。 - 假期福利 除法定休假外,有年假、带薪病假、志愿者假、妇女节、***节休假等。您入职后即可享有10~25天的丰厚年假,让您在工作之余有充分的时间放松身心。在您生日当月,更有一天生日假,您可以和家人、朋友等一起庆祝这温馨的时刻。 - 全面的福利保险计划 包括定期寿险、意外伤亡险、重疾险、补充商业医疗保险等,覆盖全方位生活场景,为您的保障添砖加瓦。 - 员工体检 每年为您提供一次关爱体检,有多种套餐,全面评估您的身体状况和生活方式,帮助您实现健康生活、快乐工作。 - 弹性福利 当您考虑为家庭提供更多保障时,MyChoice员工弹性福利平台可以满足您不同人生阶段的各种需求。每年您都享有弹性福利积分,可以调整您的福利保险,买卖年假,为家人购买体检套餐等,DIY一份专属于您的福利计划。 - 心理健康咨询 您和您的直系亲属均可免费获得专业的心理健康咨询,包含个人成长、缓解职场压力、解决情感困惑等,助您一路“升级打怪”,稳步前进。 - 企业年金 汇丰企业年金这一补充养老金计划为您更添一份保障。建立企业账户和个人账户,由汇丰和您按照一定比例每月缴存。更有专业的金融机构共同运营,确保年金资金的安全独立、灵活投资,您可在退休时领取,提升您退休后的生活品质。 - 弹性工作 为了让大家发挥***表现,您有各种弹性工作的灵活选择。 - PSQP专业进修计划 专业进修计划通过为员工报销学费的方式鼓励员工追求职业发展。员工可就经PSQP批核的进修计划和经批核学位列表中涵盖的专业进修享受学费报销。 You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website.