1.Sales target achievement. Develop business strategy, maintain and keep improving daily business results and customers' relationship. Deliver sales target & KPI and be accountable for business results. 2.TP/Distributor management. Set up TP management strategy, working cyecle sop, target and deliverbles. 3.Make sure Internal Resource Communication. Communicate with internal team (trade marketing, marketing, distributor management, logistic team, etc.) for frontier business information alignment and support needed. Get and optimize internal resource for business development. 4.Cost Management. Customer and distributor spending allocation, execution optimization and reimbursement.
1)具备丰富的电商平台客户生意运作管理经验,有独立平台生意规划&运作能力,TMALL experience IS preferred; 2)具备丰富的经销商、TP管理经验; 3)具备丰富跨部门跨团队协调沟通能力,对品牌BU年度生意规划和运作体系熟悉; 4)整体生意预算费用的精准把控能力;