1.Sortshotel and guest linen for washing. 对酒店和客人的布巾进行分类以用于清洗。
2.Sortshotel and guest linen for pressing. 对酒店和客人的布草进行分类以便手烫。
3.Assistsin sorting hotel and guest linen for washing Sort articles to be dry cleanedinto categories and performs dry cleaning function including: use all drycleaning equipment;Usesspotting boards;attendsto pre-coating and sledging. 协助收集酒店和客人的布巾,然后清洗.将需要干洗的衣物进行分类,然后对其进行干洗,包括:使用所有干洗设备, 使用去渍台 , 进行预涂和去污。
4.Sortarticles for pressing into categories and performs pressing function including:using pressing equipment; use appropriate chemicals when pressing. 将需要干洗的衣物进行分类,然后对其进行干洗,包括:使用熨烫设备; 在熨烫时使用合适的化学品。
5.Ensuresall stains are removed, testing the chemicals before applying on the fabric,else inform the supervisor. 确保去除所有污渍,在对衣物使用洗涤用品前先进行试验,如有异常则通知主管。