

人 · 大专 · 5年及以上工作经验 · 性别不限2024/12/18发布




61 负责工程设施运营维护工作
Be responsible for hard facility operation and maintenance for RHQ.
61 项目移交阶段,负责项目现场的调试测试见证,备品备件准备,项目现场组织架构建立,项目移交等工作。
During the project handover stage, be responsible for organizing witness of testing and commissioning, preparing spare parts, and the establishin of site hard team and the overall handover actitity.
61 支持现场设施运行人员关于工程设施相关运营工作
Support operation team on hard facility related work.
61 指导并管理现场团队,计划安排现场工程设施相关工作,进行CM与PM工作管理。杜绝违章作业和安全事故发生
Supervision, guidance and leadership of on-site team, eliminates invalid /unauthorized /unsafe work and zero incident mindset.
61 指导并管理现场团队,杜绝违章作业和安全事故发生
Supervision, guidance and leadership of on-site team, eliminates invalid /unauthorized /unsafe work and zero incident mindset.
61 项目移交阶段,负责项目现场的调试测试见证,备品备件整理与准备,项目现场组织架构建立,项目接收等工作。
During the project handover stage, be responsible for organizing witness of testing and commissioning, preparing spare parts, and the establishin of site hard team and the overall handover actitity.
61 定期或不定期抽查团队工作结果,对作业进行必要的改进和指导
Regular and random sampling checks work quality of team members, makes necessary improvement or instruction on that.
61 统计和分析停机时间,加班情况,及物料消耗情况.
Statistic and analysis on downtime, overtime, material and consumption
61 及时汇报上级不能处理的任何问题.
Immediately reports to direct superior any issues out of ability or authorization scope.
61 管理,维护及维修客户资产,设备设施包括但不限于以下:厂务维护,暖通空调,电气,消防,给排水,水处理系统,压缩空气系统,真空系统,锅炉,电梯,机房精密空调,UPS及应急发电系统, 楼宇BA控制系统等包括设备效能评估及时提出设备升级改造要求或方案
Manages, maintains and repairs the building systems of client, including but not limited: Building and Facilities, HVAC, Electrical, F.S, Plumbing and Drainage, water treatment system, Compressed and Dried Air System, vacumm, boiler, Elevator, CRAC, UPS and diesel generator, BA system etc. Including the evaluation of equipment running efficiency and make the upgrade proposal if needed
61 协助上级经理制定建筑物基础构造和公共设施预防性/预见性维护保养计划,确保符合法定要求及健康、安全和环境的相关规定
Assists Engineering Manager to set up preventive/predictive maintenance program for all the building infrastructures and utility equipment to comply with statutory requirements and related site HSE regulations
61 确保预防性/预见性维护保养工作按时完成;在规定的时间内响应并执行服务需求
Ensures PPM&PDM 100% completed on time; responses and implements service request within required timeline
61 指导工程团队高效并且安全地执行设备维护维修工作,分配及跟踪工单执行情况,监督并控制日常运作
Initiates, directs, monitors and controls daily operation performance and trough W/O assignments /implementation , maintenance and engineer team members to ensure that all activities are performed in a safe and efficient manner
61 领导维护团队交付可衡量的持续服务并严格遵守服务等级协议及关键业绩指标的要求
Leads maintenance team to deliver measurable and sustainable service in line with SLA’s and KPI’s
61 管理维护好维修工具及仪表,定期做好计量及校验,保证工具仪表的安全使用。
Manage and maintain maintenance tools and instruments, perform regular measurement and calibration, and ensure the safe use of tools and instruments.
61 配合内外审计和政府合规性检查,及时做好CAPA。
Cooperate with internal and external audits and government compliance inspections to complete CAPA in a timely manner.
61 按照流程管理好设备设施的报废和处置工作。
Manage the scrapping and disposal of equipment and facilities according to procedures.
61 理解合同条款、服务范围和顾客期望的具体内容 ,努力满足客户需求;根据合同规定,平衡和管理客户期望
Understands the contract terms, conditions, service scope and customers’ expectations at a detailed level ,makes great efforts to meet customer needs, balancing and managing expectations within contract scope
61 有效调配资源,在满足合同要求的同时,合理控制成本(有效调配资源,确保在合同有效期内,及时达到甚至超过合同规定的服务水平,同时合理控制)
Directs management resources to ensure that service levels are met timely and cost effective manner through out the life of the contract
61 确保各项工作符合合同约定,编制项目的预算,汇报费用执行情况并控制好预算,包括节能目标的制定和实施
Ensures that work performance is covered by the contract and budget plan and control including the energy saving objectives development and execution
61 为客户在合同约定之外的服务需求提供建议书并协商报价
Prepares proposals and negotiates profitable compensation for requested work outside the original contract
61 全日制大专及以上学历
College Degree or above
61 机电工程相关专业,暖通空调、电气专业优先
Major in Mechanical&Electrical Engineering and related field, HVAC (Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning) and Electrical is preferred.
61 本科学历、中高级工程师职称佳
Bachelor degree, intermediate and senior engineer titles are preferred.
61 5年以上设施维护维修管理或相关药厂/研发中心或食品、电子、半导体等工作经验
5 years and above working experience in facility maintenance management or related field on Phama /R&D/Food /electronic /semi-conduct etc.
61 熟悉并能够根据设计蓝图开展工作
Be able to read and work with blueprints
61 熟悉预防性/预测性维护及计算机化维护管理系统
Knowledge and experienced in Preventive/Predictive Maintenance and CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System)
61 能够提供专业技术和解决方案
Be able to provide technical expertise and professional solutions.
61 熟悉机电及控制的一般原理及维修保养方法
Understand general theory of electromechanical and automation, Knowledge in preventive maintenance tasks execution on electromechanical equipment and general supervision skill.
61 有高级技师或工程师证优先
Advantage is to have middle above technologist certificate or engineer certificate.

51米多多提醒你:在招聘、录用期间要求你支付费用的行为都必须提高警惕。 以招聘为名的培训、招生,许诺推荐其他工作机会,甚至提供培训贷款,或者支付体检 、服装、押金和培训等费用后才能录用工作的,都属于违法行为,应当提高警惕。一经发现,请立即举报,并向当地公安机关报案。


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