Independent evaluation of proposed suppliers regarding process instruction and coordination with other departments (interfaces) in the project and series phase 根据过程能力,独立完成对潜在供应商的评估;在新项目和量产阶段,同其他接口部门合作 Independent planning and implementation of process audits of suppliers 独立完成供应商审核过程计划并执行审核 Autonomous planning and implementation of 67APQP“ and 67Run@ Rate“ regarding process instructions 自主的策划和实施供应商的APQP和给予过程能力的 RUN@Rate Prepare a Roll-Out of rules, tools, documentation as an central function; professional management of the decentralized SQE employees regarding general SQE guidelines and processes 作为核心的部门,准备一套规则、工具、文件;基于SQE的准则和要求,对分散的SQE进行专业的管理 Support the commodity-management in the development of decision criterias for the selection of strategic suppliers (supplier-portfolio) 支持采购制定战略供应商选择的决策标准 Independent implementation of process analysis in the manufacturing process of suppliers, develop and supervise improvement measures together 在供应商制造过程中独立实施过程分析,共同制定和监督改进措施 Independent error cause analysis of suppliers regarding complaints in the plants (escalation stage) and if necessary 67Trouble Shooting“ 针对工厂的抱怨(升级问题),独立的对供应商的问题产生原因分析,必要时进行故障排除 Independent support of suppliers up to the sub-supplier; also by appropriate quality meetings 独立的支持供应商对下级供应商的管理;也可以通过适当的质量会议进行管理 Recognise, supervise and implement potential savings (ratioprojects) of suppliers including displacements, in- and outsourcing 识别、监督、执行供应商的潜在节约项目,按比例项目可包括替代、外包等 Support the commodity-management in reduction of supplier (classification regarding A-B-C-suppliers with development or phasing out) 支持采购减少供应商(有关开发和淘汰的供应商ABC分类办法) Independent implementation of continous monthly supplier evaluation in the internal evaluation prgramm and introduction / supervision of measures as well as increase the supplier performance 在内部的项目评估中,独立的对供应商进行持续的月度评估,并采用相应的措施、实施监督,以提升供应商的绩效 Independent professional support and training of local supplier developer (on other Grammer locations), independent introduction and implementation 对当地的供应商进行独立的专业支持和培训(包含在格拉默以外的地方),独立的介入和实施 Strategy development for supplier development and implementation 对供应商开发和实施的战略发展 Claim management 对索赔的管理