Quality & technical engineer 岗位职责: Job responsibilities: 1.独立完成公司采购产品的内检或外检工作并完成英文检验报告; Independently complete the internal and external inspection of the purchased products and complete the English inspection report. 2.负责生产、质量、技术图纸文件整理保管; Responsible for the production, quality, technical drawing documents sorting and filing.0202 3.负责新产品初步询价,负责询价阶段技术支持。 Responsible for the initial inquiry of new products, responsible for the inquiry stage technical support. 4.持续跟踪检验中发现的质量问题,与供应商和客户沟通协调解决问题。 Follow up quality problems found during inspection, Communicate and coordinate with suppliers and customers to solve problems. 任职要求: 1、工科类专业本科毕业; Bachelor degree in engineering; 2、熟练使用Word、Excel等常用办公软件;能使用AutoCAD,02ProE等绘图软件。 Proficient in Word, Excel and other common office software; Able to use AutoCAD, ProE etc. 3、能够短期出差; Ability to travel for short periods. 4、具备较好的英语听读写能力; Good English reading, writing and listening skills. 5、具有强烈责任心及协调各方交流的能力; Strong sense of responsibility and ability to coordinate communication. 6、有从事机械加工、锻造、铸造、焊接类产品质量检验或制造经验者优先; Experience in quality inspection or manufacturing of machining, forging, casting and welding products is preferred.