Make and trace the project schedule.编制项目进度表,检查、跟踪项目进度。Responsible for the project profit, check and trace the profit rate in time.对项目盈利情况负责,定期检查、跟踪项目利润率。Cooperate with the customer, confirm the project key node and assure to meet the customer's requirements.和客户沟通、确定项目关键节点,保证满足客户要求。Control the expenses of the project and assure the expenses not exceeded.控制项目费用的花费时间和总额,保证进度满足客户要求、总额不超支。Make the Action Plan.对影响或潜在影响项目进行的因素,促使形成行动计划,并监督完成。Deal with customer escalation timely, zero significant complaint from customer.及时处理客户升级的问题,无重大客户抱怨。