- Strictly follow up the quality requirements and EHS regulation 在装配操作过程中充分考虑对环境和人身安全的影响,变更时也必须充分考虑到对环境因素、职业健康安全风险的控制;贯彻质量、环境、安全标准,确保操作符合产品质量、环境保护、安全生产的要求。 - Strictly follow up the assembly process 严格按照装配工艺进行规范操作。 - Assembly work based on the drawing, procedure and standard 按图纸、工艺、标准进行装配 - Perform the daily maintenance of equipment and tools 生产设备、工具、防护设施的日常维护和保养 - Clean the working area and another appointed job 生产场地的清洁及其他临时交办的工作 - Close the power source immediately when finish the work or leave the job site 装配工作结束后要立即关闭电源,离开工位时要关闭周边的电源及气阀; - Report to workshop supervisor or EHS dept. when find the safety risk 发现安全风险及隐患应立即报告主管或HSE工程师; - Report when find the machine broken and stop using the machine when find the safety risk, also put on the maintenance tag. 发现设备损坏应立即报修,存在漏电等安全风险的应立即停止使用,并挂上维修标记。