1) Develop system software of drive control unit of MCM, ACM and implement relevant control and protective function as specified; 开发牵引逆变器、辅助变流器等控制单元系统级软件,实现相关产品控制与保护功能; 2) Perform following task based software development process 根据软件工程开发程序文件完成: a) Conduct software function requirement analysis, define software function definition specification, coding, and perform software module test and integration test;进行软件功能需求分析,形成相应产品的软件模块需求规格书,软件功能规格书,代码实现,完成软件模块功能验证与集成测试; b) Prepare software test specification of different level, and join system test, static and dynamic commissioning and test of 1st trainset , issue test report accordingly; 编写各层次的软件功能测试规格书,参与首列车的系统试验、现场静态测试与动态联调,并形成完整测试报告与记录 c) Develop and utilize hardware in loop real time simulator (RTS) to validate SW function before SW release. 开发并利用半实物仿真系统RTS在软件释放之前验证软件功能; d) Define interface control protocol between drive control unit of propulsion and auxiliary system and vehicle control network, and implement software interface protocol module 编制牵引、辅助控制单元与网络控制系统的接口控制协议,并实现接口协议的软件功能模块; e) Develop PTU tool software of propulsion, auxiliary control unit ; 开发牵引、辅助产品所需的便携式维护与诊断单元PTU工具软件; f) 进行软件配置管理、版本控制、变更管理; Perform software configuration management, version control, change management; g) Maintain propulsion & auxiliary system software and its documentation in whole life cycle of software; 维护牵引、辅助等产品寿命周期内软件及其文档; 3)Based on requirement of propulsion, auxiliary product, develop different network protocol module to meet different communication interface with vehicle control system 根据牵引、辅助产品需要,开发各种网络协议功能模块,满足与车辆控制系统不同通信接口要求; 4) Conduct other issue related with propulsion and auxiliary software 完成与牵引、辅助等其它软件相关的事项; 5)To be responsible for HSE responsibilities related to this position. 负责本岗位在HSE体系中的有关职责 6)Perform relevant tasks commanded by superior 完成上级临时交付的工作任务