现场日常安全检查,监控EHS规则执行(安全、健康、环保、消防、安保等),宣传和发展EHS体系,制止一切违章作业行为及对作业者进行处罚; ?Conduct the EHS orientation for new employees, deliver the annual EHS training. 落实新员工入厂级教育、在职员工的安全培训与宣导; ?Monitoring the periodically inspection & revalidation on special equipment by each depts.., certification of operators. 监督各部门特种设备定期检验、特种作业人员取证及复训、特种设备及人员建档等工作; ?Implement the industrial hygiene hazard monitoring and support to establish the health record 落实工厂范围内作业场所职业危害因素检测、协助建立工厂职业卫生档案; ?Prepare the emergency response, and ensure all the equipment and resource is in standby. 主管做好事故应急救援响应与处理,监督各类救援物质处于有效备用状态; ?Supervise and ensure the routine check& maintenance on firefighting facility and equipment is completed according to the schedule, and ensure the effective operations. 监督落实消防设施的日常检查、维保工作,确保消防设施有效运行; ?Supervising, following up& verifying the action of responsible department line mangers on EHS related concerns is effective. 监督、跟踪及验证各责任部门涉及EHS相关项目开展的有效性;