岗位职责: 1. Regular TPM for equipment and tooling 定期的设备的保养和5S 2. Machine downtime quick fix & Maintain/Repair fixtures. 设备停机维修,夹具的维护及维修 3. Cooperate with BOSCH internal team for DLR & change management. 与博世内部团队合作参与DLR以及登记变更管理 4. Involve quality case root cause investigation. 参与质量问题根本原因的调查 5. 7/24 on-call for machine down quick fix for production line recovery 7/24小时支持设备停机的快速修复,恢复生产。 ? Maintenance execution based on planned task and time. 保养按时按计划完成 ? In time response the downtime recovery, Day shift