岗位职责 Responsibilities: 1. 熟悉前台工作流程,熟练使用各种办公软件和设备; Be familiar with receptionist work flow. Be good at using office software and equipment. 2. 前台电话的有礼接听并能准确高效的转接电话或阻断广告电话;来访人员的有礼接待;来客将其带入会客室,倒水、咖啡等; Receiving and transferring phone calls or block the advertising phone calls politely, accurately and efficiently. Polite visitors’ reception. Get the visitor some water or coffee in the reception room. 3. 安排机票,火车票,酒店及餐饮的及时预定并具有成本意识,并完成每单的登记录入和费用核对确认,月底生成月度费用报表并安排和供应商结算; Book the flight tickets, train tickets, hotel and meal timely, have the sense of cost saving. Register the booking record and cost confirmation one by one, day after day. Complete the monthly report and settle the payment with the suppliers. 4. 日常快递工作(包括国内、国外快递)的收发,并完成每单的登记录入和费用核对确认,月底生成月度费用报表并安排和供应商结算; Daily courier’s sending and receiving includes domestic china courier and overseas courier. Register the record and cost confirmation one by one, day after day. Complete the monthly report and settle the payment with the suppliers. 5. 办公用品及日常消耗品的采购,有序管理及发放; Purchase, manage and dispatch the office supply and daily consumables. Take the usage record and keep the record updated. 6. 协助管理绿植供应商,保证绿色植物和鲜花的新鲜状态,美化公司环境; Communicate with the ‘office plant and flower supplier’ timely to make sure the fresh situation of the green plants and flowers and beautiful office environment. 7. 办公设施的维护,报修及跟进处理; Maintenace the office facilities and follow the repair process as well as the other electronics machine in the office. 8. 部门经理安排的其他工作; Other jobs assigned by line manager. Requirements 任职要求: 1. College degree 大专及以上学历 2. 1 year related working experience, service-oriented and hopeful 1年以上前台接待、行政相关工作经验,服务意识强,乐于助人 3. High sense of responsibility, patient, detail-oriented, proactive, loyal, good team worker责任心强,有耐心,注重细节,工作积极主动,忠诚度高,团队意识强 4. Strong working knowledge of Microsoft Office, especially Word, Excel 熟练使用WORD, EXCEL 等办公软件 5. Good English & Chinese communication skills both in written and oral 良好的英语读写能力