Responsible for all matters concerning the activities on his area of bus supply chain in their sales region (from final customer to OEM), buses producers, system integrator (HVAC,BTMS ,ecct)and in particular fleet owners. Retaining of current customers and developing new business. Providing senior post-sales technical support in coordination with the technical service engineer. 负责与中国客车供应链(从最终客户到原始设备制造商)、客车生产商、系统集成商(HVAC、BTMS、ecct),以及特定的客车车队拥有者有关的所有事务。 维护现有客户并开发新业务。与技术服务工程师合作,提供高级售后技术支持。 Marketing 市场部分: - Work with the China sales manager – Bus Application to develop annual sales plans and revenue targets based on company strategy. 与客车应用中国区销售经理合作,根据公司战略制定年度销售计划和收入目标。 - Develop new customers. Achieve the sales targets as agreed with senior management, contribute to company’s turnover. 开发新客户。与资深管理层共识达成您所负责的销售区域的销售额,为公司的营业额作出贡献。 -Analyse and submit accurate sales forecast, planning, providing continuous market report and post sales-technical support. Manage 12 months rolling forecast and production plan with SCM department. 分析和提供准确的销售预测、规划、提供持续的市场报告和售后的技术支持。与供应链管理12个月的滚动预测和生产计划以满足客户需求。 - In your region/area keep the contact and visiting frequently all the direct and indirect customer relative to your application; from the final user of our products to the OEM customer. 与您所在区域的相关的所有直接和间接产品的客户至OEM客户保持联系并经常拜访他们; - Organize、Visits and participation in trade shows. 组织、参观参加相关展会。 Resources Coordination 、Inquiries and Offers 资源整合、询价和报价: - Suggest short- and long-term strategies and resources needed to achieve your goals. 建议实现目标所需的短期和长期战略以及资源。 - Generate customer inquiries and prepare outgoing quotations. 生成客户询价并准备报价。 - Report territory activities on a regular basis. 定期汇报活动情况。 - Maintaining pricing structures. 维持定价结构。 - Coordinate and tracking the goods delivery to the customer on-time, manage the customer complain. 协调和跟踪货物按时交付给客户,管理客户投诉。 - Work pro-actively to visit customers. Clearly communicating with customers, collecting the data, and summarizing the report. Defining all the influential decision makers for SPAL products in the Bus market, developing a clear plan on how they are to be followed for your sales region. 积极主动地工作,拜访客户。与客户进行清晰的沟通,收集数据,并总结报告。定义客车市场中决策适用SPAL产品的影响力人物,指定明确的导向计划。 - Constantly gather competitive market intelligence. 持续收集市场上竞争对手的信息。 - Review, evaluate, and support new programs and opportunities. 审核、评估新计划和机会并为之提供支持。 - Build effective relationships with stakeholders of key accounts. 与主要客户的中高级管理层利益相关者建立有效良好关系 Required Competency and Qualification 任职能力及资格 -Experiences required:At least 5 years of bus related components sales experience. 经验要求:至少5客车零配件销售经验。 -Must have extensive knowledge of the whole supply chain in the Bus industry from city bus/ bus fleet to system suppliers, distributers, bus builders 必须对公共汽车行业的整个供应链有广泛的了解,从城市公共汽车/公共汽车车队到系统供应商、分销商、公共汽车制造商。 Certifications Required 证书要求: Must have Driver’s license 必须拥有驾照 Language(s) Required 语言要求: -Reading and Writing English 英语的读写技能 Knowledge skills知识要求: Understand or be familiar with HVAC system, or ATS system in bus or thermal management system which include driven motor cooling, BTMS, hydrogen fuel cell cooling, EEC (ATS) in new energy bus 了解熟悉客车空调或客车ATS系统或新能源客车中各种热管理系统,包括驱动电机冷却,电池热管理系统,氢燃料电池冷却,EEC(ATS)等 Applicable Customer Specific requirement (CSR) 适用的客户具体要求(CSR) Microsoft Skill, excel, ppt… 微软技能,excel,ppt等 Customer Network in their region in the Bus Application. 中国客车应用的客户人脉网络