Job Description : 67职位描述: 1. 根据销售目标及产品上市,制定年度产品推广营销计划与促销计划 1. Define annual marketing plan and promotion plan acc. sales target and product launch plan 2. 分解家电零售渠道年度营销计划,获得客户营销资源支持,设计活动落地方案并跟踪执行及反馈 2. Break down annual ER marketing plan, obtain customer marketing resource, design, track and feedback relevant campaigns 3.依据家居市场渠道年度营销计划,针对潜在的品牌加盟店店主,橱柜商,设计师,其它潜在消费者及客户,定期组织产品推广营销及品牌体验活动 3. Organize product and brand experience activities targeting potential Kitchen Retail customers and consumers, incl. BFS, KFM, designers, etc. 4. 分解家电零售渠道年度促销计划,根据全国大客户,区域客户的促销节点计划,提供 BSH相关的产品、营销物料及礼品等支持 4. Break down annual ER promotion plan, support national KA and regional KA via product display, POSM and gifts 5. 分解家居市场渠道年度促销计划,设计促销活动落地方案(引流、买赠、转化等),跟踪执行及反馈 5. Break down annual KR promotion plan, design, track and feedback promotions e.g. diversion, purchase, conversion 6. 对接总部业务单元及渠道零售团队,细化总部营销及促销在大区的落地执行 6. Detail execution plan for HQ marketing and promotions as interface with BU and HQ channels 7. 支持客户在城市级别的相关行业联盟活动及营销物料提供 7. Support city level customer and industry activities 67 67 Job Profile: 职位要求: 1、统招本科及以上学历,有家电行业相关工作经验优先; Bachelor's degree or above, relevant working experiences in home appliance industry is preferred; 2、具备营销思维,良好的营销推广及品牌体验活动组织能力; Good command of marketing ideas, able to organize marketing promotion and brand experience activities; 3、具有较强的自我管理能力,及逻辑判断能力; Have strong self-management ability and logical thinking ability; 4、良好的沟通能力,较强的理解能力; Good communication and good comprehension ability 5、意在家电领域不断发展,创新; Aiming for continuous development and innovation in home appliance field; 6、可以接受高频次的出差。 Acceptable for high frequent business trips.