负责重庆工厂物流部所有相关工作(排气业务及电池包项目): 1.确保客户满意度Ensure customer satisfaction. 1.1日常工作的安排Supervise day to day activities. 1.2预测客户需求Anticipate customer requirements. 1.3与客户保持良好的关系Maintain good relationships with customers. 1.4新项目的开发物流相关工作支持Support the launch of new programs within the plant. 2. 物流团队的管理及工作目标的设定Lead the logistics team and set the objectives. 3. 物流各环节的控制Monitor logistics process. 3.1日常工作的管理Supervise day to day activities. 3.2准备中长期客户需求及运行计划,以保证管理层会议的正常召开Prepare and propose the PIC (Sales and Operations Plan) to the plant Management Committee. 3.3与生产经理一起确保PDP的执行Assure the responsibility of the PDP (Master Scheduling Plan) with UAP managers. 3.4提高供应商及物流合作伙伴的绩效与合作关系Improve suppliers and logistics partners performance and relationships. 4.物流绩效的控制Monitor logistics performance. 4.1确定并达成预算Build and meet the budget. 4.2物流绩效及物流工作计划的报告(尤其是FES指标)Ensure the reporting of plant logistics performance (particularly FES indicators) and plant logistics action plan. 5.与厂内其他的职能部门(如,质量、卓越生产体系)共同执行物流改进计划Implement logistics improvement ,actions, in coordination with the other plant functions (Quality, Production System Efficiency …). 5.1制定改进方案Organise improvement projects. 5.2对改进方案的评估及成绩的汇告Assess and report performance of these projects. 6.物流程序文件及作业指导书的审批发布Issuing logistics procedure and working instruction. 7. 优化物流流程Optimize logistic flow.