值班工程师 Duty Engineering 对酒店每日的运作负责,楼宇防护维修、工作秩序的执行者,管理下属(值班人员),履行其他的服务和责任。执行工程总监委派的工作和职责。 - The hotel is responsible for the daily operations of the building protection maintenance work order of executives,management subordinates (the officer on duty), and perform other services. And responsible executive engineering work and responsibilities of the appointed by the governor. 控制全部楼宇的维修。 - Control whole building repair. 监控楼宇的工作条件和技术设备的运转状况。 - Monitor building working conditions and technical equipment operation condition. 根据记录本和服务报告更新最新信息。 - According to the book and service report update the latest information. 掌管所有系统设备的运行,必要时采取行动使之运转正常。 - In charge of all the operation of equipment system and, when necessary, take action to normal operation. 确保对紧急事件以最快的反映,立刻采取措施直接控制,例如:火警,升降机等系统故障,根据要求纠正。 - Ensure that the emergency to the fastest reflect, take immediate measures directly. For example: the fire alarm, lift, etc system failure, according to request correction. 补充说明: 至少有五年在酒店或相关的酒店工作的经验。 - At least five years in the hotel or relevant working experience