

人 · 本科 · 3-4年工作经验 · 性别不限2024/09/06发布




新项目初期准备 / Preliminary preparation for new projects

1. 接收和整理客户/项目/销售提供的项目描述、图纸、样品、技术信息和其它相关要求。/Sorting out the project description, drawings, template, technical information and other related requirements received from customer, project department or sales department.
2. 设备、刀模、模具、工艺流程等的内部可行性分析/Making internal feasibility analysis for equipment, cutting dies, toolings, process flow and etc.
3. 与客户/项目/销售沟通,达成工程信息及要求的一致性和可行性。/Communicate with customer, project department or sales department to achieve the consistency and feasibility of engineering information and its requirements.
4. 编制初始BOM,内部图纸,初始工艺流程图,刀模数量计算,模具数量计算,设备数量计算,初始工时分析,利用率分析,初始包装规范等相关文件。/Prepare the initial BOM, internal drawings and initial process flow chart, calculate the quantity for cutting die, tooling and equipment. Make the initial working hours analysis and yield rate analysis, make the initial packing specification and other related documents.

量产前期准备、量产技术支持及跟踪确认 / Pre-production preparation,technical support of mass production and follow-up confirmation
1. BOM,内部图纸,工艺流程图、工时分析,指导书、包装规范等相关文件的完善,及现场培训。/Improve the BOM, internal drawings, process flow chart, working hour analysis, work instruction, packing specification and other related documents, and do on-site training.
2. 协助完成APQP中工程相关的工作。/ Assist to complete engineering the work of APQP related.
3. SAP相关数据创建 。/ Create SAP relevant datas.
4. 首套刀 模开启确认, 刀 模裁切纸板的发送,客户对 首套刀 模检验结果的分享。/ The first set cutting dies kick off and confirmation, send the paperboard samples to customer for evaluation, and share the evaluation results of the first set cutting dies internally.
5. 协同相关部门完成新产品的前期交样,以及试做过程中出现问题的反馈与解决方案研讨。/ Cooperate with relevant departments to complete the samples delivery for new products, feedback problems in the trial production and discuss solutions.
6. 新项目涉及的设备及模具的调试、参数设定及相关参数文件的建立、下发;/Equipment and cutting dies debugging involved by new projects, set parameters, establish and issuing the relevant parameter documents.
7. 量产技术支持,针对量产过 程中出现的问题点,改善方案研讨,实施与跟踪。/ Provide technical support for mass production, discuss improved solutions, implement and follow up the problems for mass production,
8. 工程相关资料的完善、更新、递交等。/ The improvement of engineering data related, update and submit.

工程变更管理 / Engineering change management
1. 根据客户变更信息进行可行性分析。/Make the feasibility analysis according to the customer change information.
2. 参与内部变更的方案研讨和技术支持。/ Participate solution discussion of internal engineering change and technical support.
3. 变更时,涉及到的BOM、内部图纸、工艺流程图、指导书、工时分析,利用率分析,包装规范等相关文件的更新,培训及现场支持。/ Update BOM, internal drawings, process flow chart, work instruction, working hour analysis, yield rate analysis, packing specification and other related documents, train and support on-site when engineering change involved.
4. SAP相关数据更新。/ Update the relevant SAP datas.
5. 依据变更管理流程对相关工程变更进行跟踪管控。/ Follow and control the relevant engineering changes according to the change management procedure.

现场试验类、数据收集类等相关工作 /Field test, data collection and other related work
1. 协助内部可行性分析和工艺验证 Assist engineer to do feasibility analysis and process certification on site.
2. 新材料、新设备、新工艺的相关资料收集和准备 Relavant information collection and preparation of new material ,equipment, technical requirements
3. 协助工艺工程师,主导现场试做、试验,设备调试,参数记录,数据收集、分析、管控和跟踪等 Assist engineer to do site test,trial,testing of equipment,parameter record,data collection etc.
4. 试验样品的保管、分类、发送等,评判结果的跟踪 Deal with samples and follow the evaluated result
5. 协助工艺工程师完善相关试验报告 Assist the engineer to complete the test report.

其他工作 / Other Tasks(
1. 参与工程相关的审核工作。/ Participate the audit work of the project related.
2. 上级领导委任的其他工作。/ Other tasks assigned by superior leaders.


1. 机械,自动化等技术背景,汽车行业1-2年工作经验;
At least 3 years working experiences in automotive industry, Good knowledge of machine and automation.

2. 熟悉IATF16949体系知识,了解精益生产原则
Know well in IATF16949 and lean manufacturing principles.

3. 良好的沟通技巧、抗压能力及团队意识;
Excellent skills in communication, have teamwork spirit and ability to work under pressure;

4. 熟练使用Office办公软件,熟练使用Auto CAD;
Basic skill in office software and proficiency in Auto CAD;

5. 熟悉APQP、PPAP流程;
Be quite familiar with APQP、PPAP;

6. 英语四级,良好的听说书写能力。
At least CET4, Good spoken and written English.

51米多多提醒你:在招聘、录用期间要求你支付费用的行为都必须提高警惕。 以招聘为名的培训、招生,许诺推荐其他工作机会,甚至提供培训贷款,或者支付体检 、服装、押金和培训等费用后才能录用工作的,都属于违法行为,应当提高警惕。一经发现,请立即举报,并向当地公安机关报案。


招聘信息 > 大连招聘 > 工程/机械招聘 > 大连工艺/制程工程师招聘

