岗位职责: 1 完成项目流程的实验部分,保证项目向生产转化的顺利进行。 Achieve the relevant milestoneson the bench. Drive the project through the Product Development Process. 2 负责工艺的研发,提升产品质量并降低成本。 Maintain and enhance commercial position for product and tooling costs. 3 即时向主管人员反馈试验中遇到的问题,汇报工作进展。 Report the progress and issues met in the process development in time. 4 跟踪项目进展,并最终完成小试报告。 Follow the progress, and achieve the process development report. 5 协同生产部门和安全部门,做好技术转移,完成生产任务。 Cooperate with production and safety department to fulfill the technical transfer and production. 6 保持实验室的安全卫生 Maintain the lab instruments to work properly. Keep the lab environment in good shape. 7 领导安排的其他工作 Any other job assigned by company leader