职责描述: 1、稽核各生产线人员工作,现场纪律和6S监督。 Monitor operator’s daily work in workshop; managing the discipline and 6S in production section. 2、根据生产计划安排生产,并严格控制生产进度。 Arrange the production according to production plan, and monitor the progress. 3、产品的数量与质量的跟进和管理,完成生产计划。 Follow the daily output and quality to meet the production plan. 4、对异常问题的处理,并及时反馈给上级。 Troubleshooting and promptly feedback to superior. 5、监督人员严格按照作业指导书操作并持证上岗。 Monitor operators’ work according to WI requirement strictly, and ensure operator be qualified. 6、协助PIE及其他部门人员分析生产过程中发现的异常问题,并及时采取纠正预防措施避免同样的问题重复出现。 Coordinate with PIE and other departments to analyze the root cause of defective products, and take corrective and preventive actions to avoid the same problem happened repeatedly. 7、负责各拉之间的人员、设备、物料的合理调配。 Responsible for the allocation of resource for production lines, including manpower, equipment, materials. 8、提出改善建议,优化产线,提高效率,降低报废,减少成本。 Provide positive suggestion, optimizing production line, improving efficiency, reduce scrap and costs. 9、处理上级交办的其他事宜。 Deal with other assignments assigned by superior. 任职要求: 1、大专及以上学历。 College degree or above. 2、3年及以上生产制造行业生产管理的工作经验。 Above 3 years work experience about production management in manufacture company. 3、良好的英语听说读写能力。 Good English skills in speaking and writing.