岗位目标: To provide professional training method to new operators and lead to build up production capabilities, improve people ratio of multi-skill operator 提供专业的员工培训方法,建立生产部员工能力,提升多技能员工占比
1.To provide professional training method to new operators 为新员工提供专业技能培训
2. New operator pre-job training and certification 新员工岗前培训及资格认证
3.Quarterly/Yearly production operation skill matrix update 季度/年度生产部技能矩阵更新
4.Multi-skill operator training plan and certification 多技能员工培训并认证
5.Department level safety training 部门级别安全培训
6.Support Production manager on production talent management and succession plan 协助生产经理进行生产部人才管理及继任者计划
7.Reporting: Monthly production training report 生产部月度培训报表 注:有生产管理经验优先考虑