工作职责 Job responsibility: 1, Be responsible for technical supporting for production manufacturing either of plastic injection or extrusion, complete trial production of new products and conduct on DOE validation, WI preparation. 负责塑胶注塑、挤出工艺的生产现场技术,完成新产品试制和模具验证实验,和注塑工艺作业指导书的制定和发行。 2, Optimize and improve injection and extrusion process, analyze and solve abnormal process and product defect, improve the efficiency and quality performance. 优化改进挤出工艺,分析及解决试制及生产过程异常和产品缺陷,提升生产效率和品质表现。 3. Coordinate problem-fixing action with other function team on the injection process when emerged. 协调各职能团队解决在生产过程中出现的塑胶产品质量问题。 4. Prepare solid data analysis for problem description and technical training for production team. 准备实证数据进行品质问题分析,并对生产操作员工提供技术培训。
职位要求: 1, 大专或以上学历,连续从事注塑工程师岗位超过3年,有塑胶相关的工科背景优先。 College degree or above,over 3 years injection engineer experience consistently , education major relevance with plastic is a plus. 2,熟悉塑胶产品,对注塑设备,注塑模具有全面的了解。对注塑成形中工艺参数的调整、优化改善有很深的认识。 Understand plastic product, have full knowledge of injection molding equipment, injection mold, master the adjustment, optimization and improvement of injection molding basic process parameters. 3, 熟悉2D&3D模具软件, 有精益生产或工业工程有相关经验优先。 Be proficient in using 2D&3D software, have LEAN or IE experiences is a plus. 4,具备良好的英语阅读和写作能力,能够阅读和编写相关的技术文档和报告;Capable of English reading and writing, can read and edit the documents related with the technology. 5. 有意在制造企业从事工艺相关工作,有强烈的学习和成长意愿。