Core Responsibilities: Moderation and leadership/organization and coordination of BOSLE-workshops on plant and cluster level; 在工厂内部及其下级单位组织、领导、改良、协助精益生产活动; Creation/execution of takt-time analysis for balancing out machines and operators; 创造/执行单件生产时间分析,从而实现每台设备、操作工位的生产时间之间的平衡; Identify potentials for optimization and improvement of processes and equipment in the workshop; 鉴定现场生产过程及其提高设备的优化进程的能力; Prioritization of tasks /develovp action plans,identify and assign responsibilities along with dept.managers; 与部门经理进行任务优化、发展计划及其职责分派; Establish the follow up of action plans,supporting elimination of problems; 制定执行方案计划,支撑问题根除; Training,support and coaching of plant employees in the application of the following tools,improvement Circles and Standardized work,TPM,SMED,Logistics Pull Systems; 培训、辅助支持厂内员工对于以下工具的应用,包括持续改善、标准作业、全员维护、快速换线、物流拉动系统; Promote the Visualization Standards in terms of update and effective utilization 推动可视化标准的应用及其更新; Responsibility for implementation of new project and assistance of the PG BOS-LE trainer within Lean Checks; 负责新项目实施并协助集团进行精益生产培训师的审核; Other assignment required by the management of the plant; 其他领导指派的任务
Knowledge, Skills & Abilities College degree or above in Engineering or Mechanical, Electrical Automation or relevant field. 大学及以上学历,工程,机械或电气自动化专业; Above 2 years work experience in Lean introduction and practice in automobile field; 从事2年及其以上汽车行业相关精益生产管理实践经验; Good analytical skills to insure. 较好的分析能力; Knowing well to Lean principles,Six Sigma; 对精益生产理论及六西格玛有很好的理解力; Good communication skills, good English speaking and writing. 较好的沟通能力,较好的英语听说读写能力.