职责描述Job Description: 1) 在商用电机公司有销售工作经验和客户资源者优先。 Sales experience in a commercial motor company, with customer resources is preferred. 2) 熟悉商用空调,小型商用风机行业,了解并熟悉客户开发及运用技巧。 Familiar with commercial air conditioning, small commercial fan industry, understand and familiar with customer development and application skills. 3) 有一定技术背景,对电机,电机控制,小风机有一定了解。 Have a certain technical background, have a certain understanding of motor, motor control, small fan.
任职要求Job Requirements: 1、 大专及以上学历,工科类专业毕业; College degree or above, major in Engineering; 2、 具备机械行业基本知识,了解电机的基本功能和应用; Have basic knowledge of mechanical industry, understand the basic functions and applications of motors; 3、 两年以上机械销售行业工作经验; At least 2 years working experience in machinery sales industry; 4、 具备英语基本读写能力,英语优秀者优先。 Basic English reading and writing ability. Good English is preferred.