工作职责: 1. 执行学校分配的教学任务,负责小学中文的授课工作; Conduct subject teaching tasks assigned by the school, and in charge of teaching Chinese for all grades for primary school ; 2. 遵照集团和学校的教育发展规划,积极参与优化教学方案、课程研发、教研活动等工作; Participate in optimizing teaching plans, developing curriculum, studying, etc, according to the educational development plan of the Group and the school; 3. 积极与学生和家长沟通,切实关怀、辅导学生提高学习成绩,巩固教学成果、营造良好的学习氛围; Communicate with students and parents actively, help students to improve their academic performance, and create a good learning atmosphere 4. 配合校区开展教学行政事务、学生纪律、事故防范等管理工作。 Cooperate with the school to carry out teaching administration, student discipline supervision, accident prevention and other management assignment. 任职资格: 1. 本科或以上学历,语言或文学类相关专业优先,有一年以上任教经验优先考虑; You should have a bachelor's degree or above, majoring in language, literature or other related subjects; more than one year teaching experience is preferred; 2. 欢迎优秀本科或以上学历的投递; Welcome fresh graduates; 3. 持有相应学科教师资格证及二级乙等或以上等级普通话证书; You should have teacher qualification certificate (high school or above) of the corresponding subject, and Putonghua certificate; 4. 国、粤语标准,英语流利表达,沟通意识、语言表达能力强,具有高度责任心及亲和力; You should be able to speak in standard Putonghua, fluent Cantonese and English, express yourself clearly and be good at communicate with others; 5. 具有良好的职业道德和进取精神,热爱教育行业,擅于与学生和家长沟通,能胜任班主任工作尤佳。 You should be the one with professional ethics and enterprising spirit, passion for the education industry, and be good at communicating with students and parents; 员工福利: 1. 极具行业竞争力的薪酬体系制; Competitive salary 2. 有完善且成熟的培训体系;Mature training provided 3. 试用期即购买社保和公积金; 4. 广阔的职业发展空间、完善的晋升机制,让您充分展现个人所长、实现自我价值; Promotion opportunities 5. 资深的教学团队,学术气氛浓厚,定期开展专业培训和学习交流活动;Excellent team 6. 享有带薪寒暑假、春节、端午节、中秋节、国庆节等国家法定假期; Summer and winter vacations with pay 7.团建活动、节日福利、交通补贴等。