职位职能: 1、负责化妆品包装采购跟单工作,根据项目寻找合适的样品进行推荐,询价报价,跟进订单的下单、打板过程做好出货等前期工作; 2、及时跟踪订单产品的生产情况,对订单的产品细节和了解生产工艺和生产周期,跟踪订单生产进度,保证产品出货率达100%; 3、售后服务的相关工作及客户投诉的处理; 4、向管理层提供采购报告, 实时掌控市场价格、技术信息。到中国香港和国内其他城市观展,寻找新工艺和流行趋势,不断为公司新项目推荐新产品、新技术; 5、参加商务谈判,筹备相关工作并记录,进行本部门和其他部门的协调沟通工作; 6、完成部门经理安排的其他工作,不定期到国内的展会寻找新的产品和工艺。 7、不为职位的晋升提供良好的培训; 工作内容: 1、国际贸易、商务英语、化妆品化学相关专业工作经验者优先考虑; 2、英语4级以上。具备良好的英语听、说、读、写能力,熟练的计算机应用技巧,独立处理工作能力强;具备优秀谈判技巧和交际沟通能力; 3、5年以上采购或者跟单经验,熟悉企业质量管理工作相关流程,具有采购化妆品成品、包材采购经验,有化妆品企业生产跟单经验者优先; 4、熟悉进出口业务跟单操作流程,熟悉货物运输安排及相关注意事项; 5、对化妆品成品及辅助物料的各个生产环节把关及进度跟踪; 6、熟悉化妆品各种材料的生产工艺及采购流程; 7、热情,开朗,有耐心,高度责任心和敬业精神,能承受较大的工作压力。 Cosmetic Merchandiser Job responsibilities In charge of the order tracking, process, inquiry, quotation, sampling order determination, production, and shipment; Timely follow-up orders, tracking orders the production schedule, ensure product delivery rate was 100%; After sale service related work and customer complaint; Offer management procurement report, control the market price, technical information in real-time, continuously introduce new products, new technology company; Participate in business negotiations, the preparatory work and record; Communicate and support other departments; Follow department manger instruction. Job requirements: 1、International trade, business English, cosmetic chemistry related professional work experience is preferred; 2、Pass CET-4. With good English listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, skilled computer application skills, independent processing ability; with excellent negotiation skills and communication skills; 3、More than 5 years of cosmetics products sourcing experience. Priority Admission with packaging materials procurement experience, familiar with the quality of enterprise management related processes, cosmetics production experience; 4、Familiar with the import and export business with a single operation process, familiar with the cargo transport arrangements and related matters; 5、Good experience with finished good and auxiliary materials, the production of various aspects of key checks and progress tracking; 6、Be familiar with the cosmetics of various materials production process and procurement process; 7、Should be with warmheart, cheerful, patient, highly responsible and professionalism, can withstand greater work pressure. 公司介绍: 广州爱思洁化妆品有限公司是一间经营化妆品,包装材料以及其他日用品的批发和进出口的外资公司。 投资方是英国 S&J International(UK)Limited,母公司是泰国的上市公司S&JInternational Enterprised Public Compay Limited. S&J 旗下的公司在国外已经有30多年的历史,公司不仅提供一流的产品和服务质量给我们国际知名品牌的客户,同时我们也将提供一流的发展平台给我们的员工! 诚邀您们的加入,成为我们S&J的一员! 我们提供: 1、具有竞争力的薪酬待遇; 2、与卓越领导团队及行业内精英人才共同创造历史的机遇; 3、广阔的职业发展空间; 4、上班时间周一至周五上午9:00--下午18:00,中午休息12:00--13:30,按国家公众假期,周末双休; 5、工作地点:越秀区环市东路广州世界贸易中心大厦北塔1002。