

助理科员/科员 (本科招生、教务及学生事务)
人 · 硕士 · 3-4年工作经验 · 性别不限2024/09/13发布

笃学路1号 香港科技大学(广州)



Job Title: Assistant Officer/Officer (UG Admission, Registry and Student Affairs)
助理专员/专员 (本科招生、教务及学生事务)
Department: Advanced Materials Thrust, Function Hub, HKUST(GZ)
Job ID: 6059
Job Posting Details
Formally established in June 2022, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)(HKUST(GZ)) is a cooperatively-run higher education institution between the Chinese mainland and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. HKUST(GZ) has obtained approval from the Ministry of Education (MoE) and become the first legally-independent educational institution co-established by the Mainland and Hong Kong since the announcement and implementation of the “Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area” and the “Overall Plan for Deepening Globally Oriented Comprehensive Co-operation amongst Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in Nansha of Guangzhou”. With a spirit of pioneering innovation, HKUST(GZ) charts new territories in cross-disciplinary education and explores new frontiers in pedagogies, aiming to serve as a role model of the mainland-Hong Kong integrated educational development and become a world-famous high-level university, endeavoring to nurture future-oriented, high-level and innovative talents.
HKUST(GZ) comprises four Hubs, namely Function Hub, Information Hub, Systems Hub, Society Hub and offers 15 postgraduate degrees. The admission of undergraduate students will begin in 2023, with the first batch of programs covering artificial intelligence, data science and big data technology.
Advanced Materials (AMAT) Thrust is an academic department under Function Hub, HKUST(GZ) and focuses on rigorously exploring the fundamental materials structure and property relationships and unlocking the potential of basic elements of natural sciences for conducting cutting-edge research for materials discovery and innovation. Its aim is to become a global leader in functional materials research and development.
The appointee will provide administrative support in the Advanced Materials Thrust, Function Hub, HKUST(GZ). The main duties include but not limited to the followings:
1. Provide support on preparing the curriculum planning, program proposal and other related documents of the undergraduate program.
2. Provide support on the undergraduate student admission process and the outreach activities, including but not limited to the promotion of undergraduate admission, the maintenance of the thrust publicity platform, participation in admission activities and answering questions, and the operation of the undergraduate admission system and the follow-up of admission process, etc.;
3. Provide support on undergraduate student affairs and academic registry, including maintaining and operating student related systems, managing student information system and maintaining daily data, follow-up and communication of student affairs, organization of daily activities, etc.;
4. Other ad hoc duties assigned by the supervisor.
They will liaise with the administration of service and development in their respective functional area(s), contribute to strategic planning and perform other duties as assigned. Work outside office hours and on weekends may be required occasionally. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend an interview and/or written test.
1. 协助学域准备本科课程计划、培养方案及其他相关文件;
2. 负责学域本科招生相关工作,包括负责本科招生宣传、协助学域公众平台维护、参与招生活动及答疑、负责本科招生系统操作及入学流程跟进等;
3. 负责学域本科学生事务及教务相关工作,包括操作及维护学生相关系统、负责学生信息系统管理及日常数据维护、学生事务跟进及沟通、日常活动组织等;
4. 上级安排的其他工作。
Qualification Requirements
1. Applicants should possess a master’s degree or above;
2. People with at least three years of work experience in the higher education sector or a public/quasi-public organization (especially on student management) is preferred;
3. The working language is English, be competent communicators with an excellent command of English and Chinese. Those who can use Cantonese is preferred;
4. Be self-motivated with strong strategic awareness and able to work proficiently with significant independence; and
5. Possess a high level of organizational, time-management and interpersonal skills.
1. 硕士及以上学历;
2. 有三年以上高等教育或公共组织(尤其是学生管理方面)工作背景者优先;
3. 工作语言为英语,需具备良好的中英文沟通能力,掌握粤语者优先;
4. 具有较强的自我驱动力、战略意识及独立工作能力;
5. 具有较强的组织能力、时间管理能力和人际交往能力。

51米多多提醒你:在招聘、录用期间要求你支付费用的行为都必须提高警惕。 以招聘为名的培训、招生,许诺推荐其他工作机会,甚至提供培训贷款,或者支付体检 、服装、押金和培训等费用后才能录用工作的,都属于违法行为,应当提高警惕。一经发现,请立即举报,并向当地公安机关报案。


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