【任职要求】 1.本科以上学历,化学专业相关学科专业毕业,有教培经验优先; Bachelor's or Master's degree holders in relevant subjects(Chemistry.Biology)and previous experience in teaching is preferred; 2.可以用中英文双语教学和进行教学交流(不需要全英) Excellent teaching skills with proficiency in Mandarin andEnglish; 3.热爱教育事业,有教师资格证优先 Passionate in teaching, teacher's qualification certificate holderis preferred; 4.熟练应用计算机办公软件及相关教学软件 Proficient in using Microsoft Office and related teaching software; 5.工作严谨、细心、耐心、有责任感,善于合作与沟通 Rigorous, meticulous, patient, responsible, communicative and coopertative; 6.有英国或国外留学经验优先 Previous experience of studying in the UK or other Englishspeaking regions and countries is preferred; 7.认同中心的使命与价值观,并在其中积极努力地工作。 Recognize the mission and values of the school anddemonstrate strong initiatives.
【职责范围】 1.根据剑桥大学国际考试委员会的国际高中及香港中学文凭考试的教学大纲,认真准备教学计划及课程计划,按时向教务提交教学及课程计划等相关教学材料; In accordance with the syllabus of the International HighSchool provided by Cambridge Assessment International Education and Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education, prepare lesson and curriculum plans carefully, andsubmit relevant teaching materials mentioned above to theeducational administrator on time; 2.完成中心安排的教学任务与工作,包括教授正课和辅导课以及每周1晚督导学生晚自习;对学生要做到耐心、细致、态度和蔼;做好课外/课余/课间的辅导工作; Complete the teaching tasks and other duties arranged by theschool, including formal classes, tutorials and student's selfstudy supervision one evening a week; Be patience, attentiveand kind to students; Fulfill between-class/after-schooltutoring jobs; 3.做好教学与教辅材料的准备工作,通过多样化教学方法调动学习积极性,确保学生完成学习任务及目标 Prepare teaching materials for lessons, motivate studentsthrough diversified strategies, and ensure that studentscomplete learning tasks and objectives; 4.上课时做好课堂管理,维护课堂纪律,下课后与学业导师保持密切联系,随时反映学生学习和课堂纪律情况,积极参加每学期的家长会 Ensure effective classroom management and keep gooddiscipline in class; Stay in close touch with academic advisorsafter school; Monitor and report student performance in classand attend every semester's parent-teacher meeting; 5.依据单元知识点和课程进度,设计并指导学生作业;做好评估记录;依据教学大纲,设计单元小测,期中与期末考试,及时完成评改考卷工作; On the basis of the key topics and course progress for eachunit, design and give guidance on students' assignments;Evaluate and record student progress; Design in-class quizzesmid-term and final exams; mark and assess the exam papersin time; 6.整理更新各种学习材料与资源,调整和重新评估课程计划以适应学生的需求,同时保持整体课堂进度; Organise and update various learning materials and resources:Adjust and re-evaluate the teaching plans to meet the needsof students, while pacing the lessons appropriately; 7.积极参加CIE、EDEXCEL等组织的教师培训;与其它学科的中外籍老师进行良好的教学合作Actively attend information and training sessions held by CIE and Edexcel; Cooperate with Chinese and foreign teachers indifferent disciplines; 8.关注自身的专业水平的提升与发展,积极参加在职业务培训/集体教研; 接受中心组织的各种教学评估,不断提高个人能力与教学水平 Pay attention to self-development and the enhancement ofprofessionalism, and attend in-service training/teachingresearch; Participate in teacher evaluations organised byschool, and improve personal ability and teaching quality; 9.参加中心举办的各项活动,参与和指导各种学生课外活动 Participate in various activities arranged by the school, attendand offer quidance for students in various extracurricularactivities; 10.认真完成教务或中心安排的其他任务 Complete the teaching tasks and other duties arranged by the school.