教育背景 Qualifications and Experience 研究生或以上学历,条件优秀者可适当放宽条件 拥有国内认可的教师资格证 至少三年中学相关学科教学经验 初中老师熟悉国家课程标准,有IB MYP经验者优先 高中老师具备中英双语教学能力,有IB DP、IGCSE、A Level或AP教学经验者优先 有辅导竞赛获奖经验者优先 具有持续的相关专业展经历 Master’s degree or higher in area assigned to teach Full teaching qualifications/credentials Minimum of 3 years’ full-time teaching experience Chinese National Curriculum/IBMYP experience is preferred for middle school teachers IBDP/IGCSE/A Level/AP teaching experience is preferred for high school teachers Experience in competition coaching is preferred Evidence of continuous professional development
工作职责Role Responsibilities 教学方法Pedagogy 运用探究式教学法,激发学生的学习兴趣和主动性 注重概念性理解,帮助学生在知识间建立联系并学以致用 基于当地和全球背景开展情景化教学 注重有效的团队合作和协作 开展因材施教,以满足所有学习者的需求 使用多种评估方式促进教学 有效地使用信息技术辅助教学 Use inquiry-based teaching to stimulate students' interest and initiative in learning Focus on conceptual understanding to support students in developing ideas and taking actions Use local and global contexts to establish the relevance of the curriculum Focus on effective teamwork and collaboration Provide differentiated learning experiences to meet the needs of all learners Use diverse assessment approaches to improve teaching and learning Use information technology to aid and extend learning and teaching
课程实施Curriculum Implementation 参与本学科课程的开发、实施和完善 参与项目课程的开发、实施和完善 按要求参加学科组的协作备课 根据教学大纲和课程目标要求按质按量完成各项教学任务 根据学校评估政策做好教学评估工作 Engage with the construction, implementation and refinement of related subject curriculum Contribute to the construction, implementation and development of relevant programme curriculum Participate in collaborative planning organized by subject group Be responsible with all the subject-specific teaching tasks Be committed to effective assessment based on the school assessment policy
校园文化Learning culture 营造积极进取的校园文化氛围 有多元文化意识,在理解尊重、开放包容的基础上进行沟通 创建安全、关爱、具有激励性的学习者社区 积极参加相关教研、培训活动,以促进自身的专业发展 按要求参加学校各类教师会议,为学校的发展献计献策 Create positive and dynamic school cultures Be cross-cultural competent, communicate based on understanding, respect, openness and inclusiveness Create safe, caring and encouraging learning community Contribute to and participate in continuous professional development activities Participate fully in school staff meetings to contribute to the development of school
心智教育Pastoral care 主动承担班主任\导师工作 重视学生良好习惯的培养 配合心育中心老师,关注学生身心健康发展 及时有效地开展家校沟通与协作 Be responsible as homeroom teacher or mentor Develop the good habits of learners Support Counselling Centre for the whole-person development of learners Effectively communicate and collaborate with parents
其它职责 Other duties & responsibilities 参与支持学生的个性化教育需求 参与课外辅助课程,包括俱乐部、夏(冬)令营等 参与指导学生进行学业与发展规划,为学生撰写推荐信等 参与学校招生宣传活动 完成学校分配的其它任务 Contribute to SEN (special education needs) of learners Contribute to co-curriculum, including clubs and summer/winter camps Contribute to students’ academic planning and university application process, and write recommendation letters if required Contribute, where required, to marketing activities Carry out other duties or responsibilities allocated by school
职业素养Person Specifications 热爱教育事业的终身学习者 具备创新意识和团队协作能力 具备较强的沟通能力,与家长、学生和其他员工等建立有效工作关系 具备国际化视野和跨文化交际能力 具备良好的英语口头和书面交流能力 Life-long learner with a passion for education Be innovative and collaborative Strong communication skills to establish effective working relationships with parents, students and other staff members Be internationally minded and inter-culturally competent Good spoken and written skills in English language