We are looking for a highly qualified, dedicated, creative, adaptable, and enthusiastic teacher. The successful candidate will be someone who has the ability to lead and inspire children, as well as the willingness to support the ambition and values of the school.
RESPONSIBLE TO: Head of department(line manager) and principal
CONTRACT TYPE: Full time, two years, with the possibility of extension subject to performance
I. QUALIFICATION Essential: Minimum Bachelors’ Degree in a relevant subject area Desirable: High school teaching certificate/PGCE / QTS or equivalent
II. EXPERIENCE The candidate should have: 61 Minimum two years’ teaching experience at a UK or international school
III. KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS Essential: The successful candidate should have: 61 A wide interest in their subject area and be able to evidence their commitment to it beyond the classroom environment 61 Good communication skills 61 Good teamwork and collaborative skills 61 Resilience and a good sense of humour 61 Fairness, kindness, and warmth 61 Interest in wider issues relating to student wellbeing
IV. PROFESSIONAL ATTITUDE AND CONDUCT The successful candidate should have: 61 Ability to understand, empathise with and enjoy the culture, ethos, and values of GUIS 61 Flexibility to learn and adapt to new cultures and situations 61 A willingness to explore innovative approaches from across the educational field 61 The ability to uphold the Code of Conduct of GUIS
RESPONSIBILITIES SAFEGUARDING 61 Teach subject at IGCSE and A level 61 Enhance the quality of teaching and learning and the wider school through sharing resources and good practice, lesson observation, collaborative teaching, mentoring and active participation in continuing professional development 61 Safeguard and promote the welfare of children 61 Support the school’s aims and objectives for teaching and learning 61 Plan and prepare courses and lessons 61 Bring the best of their methods and expertise to GUIS 61 Teach, according to their educational need, the students assigned to you 61 Set and mark work (including internal examinations) to be carried out by the students in school or elsewhere 61 Monitor and record student progress and achievement as per school policy 61 Set appropriately challenging targets for students 61 Ensure students requiring learning support are supported in following their Individual Education Plan and that their needs are being met 61 Organize assessments and examinations as required 61 Write reports as required 61 Strive to foster amongst students, a love of learning and an ongoing thirst for knowledge 61 Collaborate with other teachers to plan lessons together, share ideas, approaches, and professional knowledge 61 Keep up to date with head of department and subject specific developments and contribute curriculum knowledge to the department 61 Keep up to date with wider educational research internationally 61 Comply with the requirements of the laws and education policies of the People’s Republic of China.
BENEFITS AND HOW TO APPLY 61 A competitive package is available, with a salary commensurate with the nature and seniority of the post and the experience of the successful candidate. In addition to a highly competitive salary, benefits include: 61 Housing and utilities allowance, relocation allowance, annual airfare allowance, visa assistance allowance, medical insurance. 61 Tuition support will be provided for school age children, following HR policies. 61 Holidays are in line with the school calendar. 61 The performance will be subject to a regular appraisal review by the line manager. 61 Applicants must be willing to undergo child protection screening appropriate to the post, including checks with past employers and the criminal-record checks. Full details are given on the application form. 61 Candidates will be asked to undertake identity and qualification checks which conform to the school’s Safeguarding Policy. They must also agree to references being taken up at the final stage and checks being made with past employers. 61 The successful applicant will be required to have a medical examination paid for by the school. 61 The appointment is subject to receipt of satisfactory references and checks (including criminal record checks, proof of identity and qualifications) and a satisfactory medical report. 61 Candidates will be assessed against relevant criteria only (i.e. skills, qualifications, abilities, experience) in selection and recruitment. 61 This job description will be reviewed annually. Employees will be expected to comply with any reasonable request to undertake work of a similar level that is not specified in this job description.