8年以上物流行业工作经验 More than 8 years working experience in logistics industry. 3年以上销售团队管理经验 More than 3 years of Sales team management experience. 有船公司或航空公司经验者优先; Priority given to those with experience in shipping or airline companies
有外企物流公司工作背景优先 Working background in foreign logistics company is a plus. 本科学历,英语听说读写流利 根据公司年度考核方案,制定公司半年度,季度,月度经营计划和实施方案,并监督,指导 各部门员工确保完成分管的考核指标; Develop semi annual, quarterly, and monthly business plans and implementation plans based on the company's annual assessment plan, and supervise and guide employees in each department to ensure completion of their assigned assessment targets; 开展团建建设和人才配备及分公司内部的梯队培养; Carry out team building, talent allocation, and internal team training within branch offices 本科学历,英语听说读写流利 Bachelor's degree, fluent in English listening, speaking, reading, and writing.