注:该职位仅在海宁尖山地区招聘当地的验货员1.Checkup against packing list & invoice or purchase orders of goods equipment with all accessories, suitable packaging and paperwork for export 2.Investigate and report external and internal non-conformances 3.Checkup label information according to requirement of customer 4.Ensure that goods are suitably and safely packaged, properly handle and load into the container 5.Provide support to Intertraffic coordinators in China and Mexico whenever required 6.Data entry and record inspection reports through FTP and SAC system 7.Promote positive health and safely 1. 核对货物跟发票及包装清单无误2. 检查标签及箱唛内容 3. 确定货物壮状况 4. 监督装货过程 5. 制作验货报告