岗位职责: 1.Responsible for opening and closing the library, ensuring the lights and computers are appropriately managed. 负责学校图书馆的每日开馆闭馆,包括开关灯及电脑等设备管理维护。 2.Take primaryresponsibility for the circulation of library materials (issue, return, renewaland reservation) 负责学校图书馆资料的维护(借书,还书,维护以及更新) 3.Responsible forgenerating reports and overdue notices from the library management andcirculation system 负责学校图书馆相关的报告以及发送借阅逾期通知 4.Re-shelve booksand other resources and generally keep the Library tidy 负责学校图书馆资料的整齐摆放以及维持学校图书馆的整洁 5.Shelf read(make sure all resources are shelved in the right place) the collection on aregular basis, according to a schedule designed in collaboration with theLibrarian 根据图书馆馆长制定的计划,定期核对相关书籍(以确保所有书籍放置在正确的位置) 6.Assist the Librarianwith selection and organisation of resources. 协助图书馆馆长选择以及管理书籍等资源 7.Processresources, by adding stamps, spine labels and other stickers and covering themin contact paper as directed by the Librarian 在图书馆馆长的指导下,管理相应书籍资源,包括增贴邮票、书籍标签等 8.Identify and repairbooks as and when necessary, or submit for renewal with the Librarian. 根据需求识别以及修复书籍,必要时向图书馆馆长申请更新 9.Assist withdisplays and events of the Library 负责协助学校图书馆的相关活动与展览 10.Assist staffand student in accessing library resources 协助学校员工以及学生使用图书馆资源 11.Enforce libraryrules and standards of behaviour 规范学校图书馆相应的规章制度以及行为准则 12.Undertake anyreasonable request made by the line manager and School leaders that ensures consistent delivery of service in the School. 完成领导交办的其他任务
Requirements任职要求: 1.Bachelor’s Degree orabove 本科及以上学历 2.Preference for candidates with 5+ years of experience and good English skills. 5年及以上相关工作经验及优秀英语水平的候选人优先。 3.Good attitudeto work, sense of initiative and strong responsibility, trustworthy 优秀的工作态度,积极主动,有责任心,值得被信赖 4.Ability tohandle multiple tasks simultaneously 具有同时处理多方面任务的能力 5.A desire tohelp others and provide assistance 愿意帮助他人 6.Enjoy workingwith children of all ages and other adults, including foreigners 乐于与不同年龄段的孩子一起共事,愿意在多元化的工作环境中工作 7.Knowledge ofareas of teaching, pastoral care and co-curricularactivities 了解学校教学,学生关顾,课外活动的体系 8.A background inIT, preferably in a library setting. Experience with Follett Destiny would beideal 熟悉掌握图书馆管理系统Follett Destiny的候选人优先。 9.Experience of working with students in a school environment is desirable 具有学校/幼儿园图书管理工作经验者优先