1. Have good knowledge of order management, handle details carefully. Good control of the whole process/schedule. 良好的跟单以及订单管理水平,能把握好整个流程节奏,并仔细处理好各种细节问题。 2. Detect and address different issues during order process, to minimize negative influence on shipment schedule. It would be a plus if you’re able to solve more complicated cases. 跟单过程中能及时发现并解决各类问题,将对货期影响减至最低。如能处理复杂问题,此为加分项。 3. Daily communication with customers and supplier. It has to be effective. 与客户及供应商, 有效的日常沟通。 4. Sample checking / sending: be able to handle and dispose with all kinds of samples, incl. PP sample, production sample, shipment sample, etc. Have proper judgement for sample quality. 有效处理所有相关样品(检查、登记、拍照等);对品质问题有恰当的判断。 5. QC arrangement (make booking, arrange QC documents, follow-up with factory for critical defects when necessary). 安排QC验货,包括QC申请、制作相关文件,核实并与供应商跟进验货发生的问题,改善后保质保量出货。 6. Have basic knowledge of testing affairs, can assist when needed. 懂一些测试方面的事务,需要时能协助处理。 7. Making all kinds of paperwork carefully: PO to supplier, PI & Invoice to customer, QC documents, shipping documents, etc. 可以仔细制作各类文件,如PO, PI/INVOICE, QC文件,出货资料等。 8. Have basic knowledge of shipping affairs/procedures (contact forwarder, make booking, prepare shipping documents, etc.). This is a plus.对船务工作流程有基本了解,需要时能跟货代联系,安排订舱、制作单证等,此为加分项。 9. Willing to travel when needed有出差的意愿。 10. Other tasks assigned以上工作为主,按需分配其他工作。