We are looking for a talent to be Senior Quality Engineer on hydraulic and mechanical products. This role will be responsible for checking and evaluating samples, detecting quality issues to analyze the reason and take responding corrective actions, assisting to design/improve sample check method/process; as well as working with internal team and supplier to implement relevant quality measures. 我们正在寻找人才担任我们机械/液压产品的资深质量工程师。这一职位将负责检测和评估样品,发现质量问题后分析原因并采取相应的改正措施,协助进行质量检测标准和流程的设计及改进;此外还需与内部团队和供应商合作实施相关的质量措施。 Responsibilities: 【岗位职责】 1. Responsible for product sample quality evaluation, product testing and providing proposals for improvement. 负责样品的质量评估、检测,提出改进建议。 2. Participate/coordinate in product quality testing. 参与 / 协调产品的质量检测。 3. Participate/coordinate in factory audit. 参与 / 协调验厂。 4. Assist to perform quality inspection from raw materials to finished products, follow up and resolve inspection issues with suppliers, make sure they meet standards of quality and safety, troubleshooting before shipment. 协助进行从原材料到成品的质量检验,跟踪解决检验过程中发现的问题,确保生产和产品符合质量和安全标准,在出货前完成排除故障和问题。 About You: 【职位要求】 1. Minimum bachelor degree in related scientific or product related discipline and over 5 years' work experience in foreign trade quality. 理工科或产品相关专业本科及以上学历,5年以上外贸行业质量工作经验。 2. Good written and oral English. 英语良好,可进行常用口语交流。 3. Knowledge and experiences in various quality management systems. 了解各类质量管理体系。 4. Familiar with and skilled in quality tools. 熟悉并熟练使用各类质量工具。 5. Familiar with mechanical or hydraulic products. Familiar with machining process. 熟悉机械或液压产品,熟悉机械加工处理工艺。 6. Good computer skills including all Microsoft office software (e.g. Excel, Word, PPT) and report writing skills. 熟练操作电脑,善于使用Excel、Word、PPT等办公软件,有较好的报告写作能力。 7. Good teamwork spirit, detail orientated and able to work under pressure. 适应团队工作,注重细节,能够承受较大压力。 8. Able to work independently and handle multiple tasks. 能够独立工作,同时处理多个任务。 9. Willing to travel. 愿意出差。 【福利待遇】 1. 五险一金实缴,在此基础上为员工及其子女购买商业医疗保险; 2. 依法享受法定节假日和周末,不鼓励加班;入职1个月后开始享受带薪年假,年假天数根据服务年限:头1年10天,第2年15天,第3年起每年20天。 3. 弹性工作政策:根据职位和工作表现可以申请弹性工时和在家办公。 4. 每年1-2次团体旅游;每季度举办员工生日会;部分节假日组织茶话会/娱乐活动/聚餐; 5. 不定期举办工作日团建活动,轻松向吃喝玩乐为主; 6. 每年一次员工体检; 7. 每月通讯补贴。 【工作时间】 公司实行两种标准工时,员工可以根据通勤距离自由选择: · 08:30 - 17:30 (1小时午休时间自行安排) · 09:00 - 18:00 (1小时午休时间自行安排) 【周边环境】 1. 近地铁4号线江锦路站 2. 近来福士、万象城,吃喝不愁 3. 近市民中心,办事便利