作为IWG集团的区域销售经理,您将全程负责中心的销售工作。为确保销售业绩超额完成,工作内容涉及整个销售周期,从识别出新销售机会到成功完成订单:完成客户带看,提供合适的方案,跟进并完成交易。通过一系列客户会议活动来发展客户。 工作职责: 1.核心销售活动 2.主动销售活动(业务拓展) 3.策划:与社区经理沟通,开发挖掘更多销售机会,识别交叉销售和营业额提升的机会 4.确保服务质量,提升销售业绩 关键核心指标: - 营业收入增长 - 订单数量-每日成交订单数 - 转换率-从需求到成交订单 - 中心入驻率 - 客户留存率 - 净推荐值 - 自有渠道的销售订单数 - 折扣率:使用折扣的订单所占比 技能和态度 - 销售技巧设立,演讲和协调技巧 - 时间管理 - 具备较强的市场规划及分析能力,优秀的交流沟通能力,强烈的自主自发力,有商业办公地产行业或相关行业销售工作经验者优先 - 斗志昂扬-始终保持竞争力,力求超越自己的目标 - 热情洋溢-面对客户,始终保持积极鼓励的态度做每一件事 - 坚韧不拔--在追求挑战之余,致力提高自己的能力,以适应不断变化的环境 - 平易近人、影响他人-与所遇之人建立密切联系 - 勤奋努力并以此为傲-注重细节,明白在细节处追求高标准亦可引起大变革 - 积极进取-在解决问题时,能够主动承担,果断行事,争分夺秒,力求创造非凡的成果 Job description Area Sales Managers are fully accountable for the sales performance of centers of responsibility. Need to ensure sales performance and KPI’s are exceeding expectations by handling the full sales cycle, from identifying a new sales opportunity until closing successfully a deal: execute perfect prospect visits, offer the right solution, follow up and close the deal. To develop customers through executing customer meetings. Key Accountabilities 1. Core Sales Activities 2. Proactive Sales Activities (Business Development) 3. Planning 4. Quality Control of activities that impact sales Key Performance Indicators / Job Performance Expectations - Revenue growth - Deal volume – Deal / Day - Conversion: Enquiry to Deal - Center(s) Occupancy - Client Retention rate - Net promoting score - Self-generated leads - Discount rate: % of deals done using a discount Skills and Attitude - Sales skill set, presentation and negotiation skills - Time Management - written skills in Chinese and English - Achievement – highly competitive, driven to achieve and exceed specific goals - Enthusiastic – always has a positive attitude for your customers - Resilient – enjoys challenges and adapts to change; consistently demonstrates energy and passion - Influential – confident and approachable; delivers results by building strong relationships with customers - Pride – pays attention to detail; takes responsibility for maintaining high standards - Motivated – takes ownership and acts decisively to solve problems and deliver results. Makes every minute of every day count