1. 负责建立原辅料、包材、中间产品、成品或标准物质的质量标准; Establish specifications for raw materials, packaging materials, intermediate products, reference standards and final products; 2. 执行部门物料、成品或标准物质等检测放行管理及稳定性考察管理工作以及相关文件修订,确保及时完成; Implement the management work for material, final product release testing or stability study, revise the related documents in the department, ensuring timely completion; 3. 负责起草实验室与质量标准有关的变更; Responsible for drafting and verified specification related changes in the laboratory; 4. 负责委外工作的沟通和联系,确保委外检验及时,符合公司SOP要求; Communicate and contact for outsourced work, ensuring testing timely and compliance with company SOP requirements; 5. 执行岗位相关管理制度及质量体系文件,确保合规; Implement job related management systems and document requirements, ensuring compliance; 6. 发现异常及时记录并汇报,异常处理整改,避免异常重复;. Record and report any discrepancies in a timely manner, handle and correct them, and avoid duplication of discrepancies; 7. 负责管理岗位内相关仪器,维护保养清洁; Responsible for managing relevant instruments in the job, maintaining and cleaning them; 8. 负责维护实验室现场,确保符合相关要求; Responsible for maintaining the laboratory site and ensuring compliance with relevant requirements;