Your Duties/职责: 1.Deep knowledge of PV8450, GB, GB/T and other VW or external standard; 十分熟悉 PV4850,国标或者大众标准 2.Participate in create and update test specification and test cases according to test requirement and China and Europe standard. 根据测试需求和中国及欧洲的标准,参与制定和更新测试规范和测试用例 3. Preparation of presentations, reporting and project status documents. 准备演示、报告和项目状态文件 4.Support maintenance of test bench, including annual calibration, equipment reparation, new equipment/tools purchasing and other activities to keep the test bench in well operating condition. 支持维护台架,包括年度校准,老设备维修,新设备采购等以使台架测试状态良好 5. Support regulation management of test bench, prepare related documents and necessary activity/construction if required. 支持台架的常规管理,如有需要,准备相关的搭建工作 6. Emergency case management for test bench, Prepare guiding documents of reaction plan to VW security department. Responsible for performing all necessary reaction when emergency case happens. 为台架制定应急管理措施,准备指导文件,负责台架紧急情况下的操作 7.Test case preparation based on the LAH and test requirements. 基于测试需求准备测试用例 8.Conduction of tests at test institutes and/or suppliers. 在测试机构或者供应商处执行测试用例 9.Review of supplier tests and reports. 对供应商的测试报告进行审核 10.Supporting the creation of technical documents according to VW standards. 依照大众集团标准,支持创建技术文件 11. Preparation and support of onsite visits at the supplier’s side. 准备并且支持供应商现场探视 12.Define and align test procedures with HQ and suppliers. 与总部和供应商协商并定义测试流程 13.Technical support for test bench concept and installation, pre-check status for HW/SW/staff. 为台架的概念或者安装提供技术支持,包括台架的硬件、软件等 14.Accompany qualification tests from technical point of view. 从技术角度出发进行安规测试
Your Profile/素质: 1. High ability in project management. 在项目管理方面具备较高的能力 2. Deep technical knowledge of battery technology in general and VW’s battery technology in particular. 在动力电池领域具备较深的技术知识积累 3. Detailed knowledge on the test requirements in the Volkswagen group. 对于测试要求有较深的理解 4. Experience in cell test planning, conduction and reporting. 在测试计划,执行以及汇报上,有较多的经验 5.High flexibility and able to work under pressure. 高度灵活性,能够带压工作 6.Deep technical knowledge on VW’s development processes for battery systems. 对于大众在动力电池系统上的开发流程有较深的技术了解 7. Deep knowledge of the Chinese battery market. 对于中国动力电池市场有较深的了解 8.Deep knowledge on the Chinese legal requirements w.r.t. battery systems and technology. 对于动力电池系统及其技术上,具备较深的中国法规知识储备 9. At least 3-5 years of working experience in the NEV automotive business. 在新能源车辆领域具备 3~5 年的工作经验 10 MS office, Visio, CANoe/CAN-alyzer/CANape, D-Space. 具备 MS 工具,Visio,Vector CAN 卡使用经验,会使用 D-space 台架 11.Superior communication skills and English Skills. 具备优秀的沟通技巧和英语能力 12.German is considered as a plus 德文可作为加分项