1.建立机械设备维修,维护,保养标准。 Establish mechanical equipment repair, maintenance, and maintenance standards. 2.进行设备故障的分析统计。 Perform analysis and statistics of equipment failures 3.制定设备年度,月度维修保养计划。 Formulate annual and monthly maintenance plans for equipment. 4.制定机械备件的储备定额和进行维修费用控制。 Formulate reserve quotas for mechanical spare parts and control maintenance costs. 5.指导设备维修员现场故障维修。 Instruct equipment maintenance personnel to repair on-site faults. 6.对维修员进行业务技术培训。 Provide technical training for maintenance personnel. 7.制定设备大修,改造方案。 Formulate equipment overhaul and transformation plan. 8.参与新项目新设备的方案论证和项目验收。 Participate in the program demonstration and project acceptance of new projects and new equipment. 9.参与TPM的培训工作。 Participate in TPM training.