1、 负责注塑车间生产工艺,制定更新过程标准作业指导书并监督注塑产品工艺参数的执行。 Be responsible for the injection molding process, issue and update the standard instruction and monitor the implementation of injection process parameter. 2、 负责新产品工装夹具的技术标准制订。 Be responsible for issuing the technical standard of clamps or jigs for new product. 3、 组织相关部门参与新产品试制和工装夹具进行验收。 To organize relevant dept involved in accepting the new product trial and clamps or jigs. 4、 针对新产品试制作过程存在问题进行分析及改善。 To analyze and improve the problems existed in the new product trial. 5、 负责组织注塑车间过程产品质量问题的不良原因进行分析并制定改善措施。 To analyze and improve the NG injection product. 6、 负责重要工装夹具建档、更新、改造以及封存、外调和报废管理。 Be responsible for filing/updating/transforming/sealing/allotting/obsoleting the key clamps or jigs. 7、 配合相关部门进行新材料或新零件的试制及调试。 To coordinate with relevant dept for trying and debugging the new material or new components. 8、 产品设计变更前对相关工装、夹具和工艺参数进行验证,确保产品设计变更后能正常投入生产。 To verify the clamps or jigs and process parameter before design revised for ensuring the revised design can be put into service. 9、 参与精益生产,提高生产效率和产品质量,降低生产降本。 To participate in lean production for improving the efficiency and quality and reducing the cost.