

QHSE Leader/质量工程师
人 · 大专 · 3年及以上工作经验 · 性别不限2025/02/13发布


诺瓦瑞斯(平湖) 汽车零部件有限公司


Level 1: Participate in the implementation of cost-effective product/process capability for production connected to the zone(s) or APU concerned, for all types of customer and all types of scope.
Participate in the operational implementation of risk management actions on site参与现场风险管理行动的实施
Level 2: Responsible for the cost-effective product/process capability for production connected to the zone(s) or APU concerned, for all types of customer and all types of scope.
Responsible for the operational implementation of risk management actions on site负责现场风险管理行动的实施
Main missions主要任务
1 - Ensure the level of quality in production Levels 1 & 2:确保1、2级产品的质量水平
- Take general or specific quality requirements into account把总体的或特定的质量要求考虑进去
- Coordinate and approve internal and external sorting and recovery协调和批准内部和外部的分类和恢复
- Take part in developing the SPC when it is implemented: updating, optimization of procedures and approval of results参与SPC实施时的开发:更新、优化流程、批准结果
- Monitor product quality (materials, BOP, semi-finished and finished products) by product line and by customer根据生产线和客户的要求来监控产品质量(材料,BOP,半成品和成品)
- Participate as a guarantor of methodology in handling customer and supplier quality incidents, justify choices and coordinate the progress of action plans up to completion (measuring efficiency, sharing between functions – lessons learned)作为处理客户和供应商质量事故的担保人,在完成之前,合理地选择并协调行动计划的进展(度量效率,功能之间的经验教训的共享)
- Perform audits of products and their production processes and ensure the action plans are implemented对产品及其生产过程进行审核,确保实施行动计划
- Perform warranty return analysis and processing进行保修退货分析和处理
- Participate in the re-evaluation of FMECAs and ensure mass-production control plans are updated参与FMECAs的重新评估,确保批量生产控制计划的更新
- Approve the modifications of the products and processes and submit EI to customers批准产品和工艺的修改,并向客户提交EI
- Conduct the initial process audit, approve the qualification of the process and confirm the qualification over time进行初步的工艺审核,批准工艺的资质,并随着时间的推移对资质进行确认
- Perform all the actions required within the framework of the position, with both customers and suppliers在职责范围内,与客户和供应商一起完成所有必要的操作
Level 1:
- Analyze the causes and decide upon the appropriate methods and means to perform missions分析原因,确定完成工作任务的合适方法和手段
Level 2:
- Make the necessary decisions to optimize results, in line with initial data根据初始数据,做出必要的决策以优化结果
2 - Lead quality activities within workshops在车间内领导质量活动
Levels 1 & 2
- Participate in APU routines and daily APU meetings with the APU Manager and shop floor team参与APU日常事务及与APU经理和车间团队的日常会议
- Control and lead the establishment of quality firewalls as well as the associated results up until they are removed控制和领导质量防火墙的建立以及相关的结果直到它们被删除
- Control quality requirements during transfers and participate in P/P qualification在转移过程中控制质量要求,并参与P/P认证
- Conduct MPP audits and coordinate the progress of action plans until completion进行MPP检查并协调行动计划的进展直至完成
- Coordinate and approve the recovery of internal/external non-compliant parts协调和批准内部/外部不兼容部件的修复
- Conduct training on quality tools and methods for production staff对生产人员进行质量工具和方法的培训
- Train production supervisors in new products/processes for deployment with production staff在新产品/流程中培训生产主管,以便与生产人员一起实施
- Participate in the development of new products (FMECA, PPQA reviews, Control equipment, etc.) in compliance with
Smart DEV根据Smart DEV参与新产品的开发(FMECA,PPQA评审、控制设备等)
- Participate in the drafting of design failures to capitalize on them and take the feedback into account参与设计失败的起草工作,充分利用他们,并将反馈考虑在内
- Report, according to the organization of the production unit, to the Unit Quality Manager or the APU Manager根据公司的组织架构,向质量经理或生产经理报告
- Block deliveries and/or stop production in the case of an identified risk for the customer.在为客户确定了风险的情况下,阻止交付和(或)停止生产
Level 1:
- Participate in developing content for new DAQs with the Project Quality Leader and the Plant QHSE Manager与项目质量工程师和工厂质量经理一起参与新DAQs的内容开发
Level 2:
- Approve new content for new DAQs in relation with the Project Quality Leader与项目质量工程师一起批准关于新DAQs的新内容
3 - Participate in progress management参与进度管理
Levels 1 & 2
- Participate in the CNQ analysis for the scope参与CNQ范围的分析
- Participate in action led by production on areas for improvement regarding CNQ for the scope参与由生产部门领导的有关CNQ范围内需改进部分的行动
- Check the results obtained following these action plans检查在这些行动计划之后获得的成果
- Lead working groups领导工作小组
- Participate in the resolution of quality issues (progress/incidents/corrective or preventative actions)参与解决质量问题(进展/事故/纠正或预防措施)
4 - Ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and other requirements in risk management and establish Levels 1 & 2确保符合法规要求和风险管理中的其他要求并建立
- Update the assessment of occupational risks and environmental analysis following any incident, in the case of process modifications and at least once a year.在任何事故发生之后更新职业风险和环境的评估分析,在过程中进行修改,至少每年一次
- Conduct investigations at the site and assist other managers in gathering objective information on workplace accidents or environmental incidents, the analysis of causes and the drafting of associated preventative action plans.在工厂进行调查,协助其他经理收集工作场所事故或环境事故的客观信息,分析原因,起草相关的预防行动计划
- Participate in Safety/Environment activities with all site personnel and coordinate action plans and working groups in the field of safety or environmental protection与所有公司人员参加安全/环境活动,协调行动计划和工作小组的安全或环保工作
5 - Undertake the operational monitoring of processes and risk management inspection:对过程进行操作监控和风险管理检查
Levels 1 & 2
- Check the control plan implementation schedule is followed and the removal of associated nonconformities.检查控制计划实施进度,并去除相关的不符合项
- Check and coordinate the monitoring of intervention organization: regular intervention drills, drafting drill reports and ensuring the associated action plan is followed检查和协调对干预组织的监控:定期进行干预演习,起草演习报告,确保相关行动计划得到执行
- Check the management of hazardous industrial waste at the site (Traceability: monitoring waste tracking documents (BSDI), waste register, check-list for vehicles transporting hazardous goods).在工厂检查危险工业废物的管理(可追溯性:监测废物追踪文件(BSDI)、废物登记册、运输危险品车辆的检查清单)
- Gather the safety data sheets communicated by purchasing and/or the departments, approve new chemical products and draft product safety sheets for workstations. Update the list of authorized products.收集采购和/或部门沟通的安全数据表,批准新化工产品,起草工作岗位产品安全单,更新批准产品列表
- Conduct compliance audits for waste management and put forward improvement actions to reduce the environmental impact and associated costs对废物管理进行合规审核,并提出改善措施,以减少对环境的影响及相关成本
- Lead, in coordination with Human Resources, regular training sessions in occupational health and safety.与人力资源协调,领导定期的职业健康和安全培训课程
- Check, with works managers and representatives of external companies, risk prevention plans and drafted work permits, and ensure the recommended prevention measures are observed.与工程经理和外部公司代表进行检查,制定风险防范计划,拟定工作许可,确保建议的预防措施得到遵守
- Coordinate the implementation of fire prevention actions recommended by the insurance company.协调执行消防公司提出的防火措施
- Participate in internal audits for environmental safety and update the associated indicators.参与环境安全内部检查并更新相关指标
Specific missions特定任务
Responsible for processing supplier quality incidents and coordinating the progress of action plans until completion (measuring efficiency, sharing between functions)负责处理供应商的质量事故,协调行动计划的进度,直至完成(测定效率,功能共享)
Manage the calibration of inspection resources管理校验资源的校准
Complete the Top 5完成5个重要工作目标
Level 1: Propose product/process capability to the Plant QHSE Manager 1级:向工厂质量经理提出改进产品/工艺水平的方法
Level 2: Approve product/process capability批准产品/工艺能力
Responsibilities in terms of Quality Safety Environment Progress负责质量安全环境方面的工作
Use and follow processes, instruction sheets and appendices, and propose improvements.使用和遵守流程,说明书和附录,并提出改进建议
Adhere to and check the safety and environmental protection rules defined in the Safety and Environment section of SMART, ensuring they are complied with by all. Ensure equipment is compliant (building/production resources) in order to ensure the safety of property and persons.遵守和检查SMART安全及环境保护条例,确保所有人都遵守。确保设备符合要求(建筑/生产资源),以确保财产和人员的安全。
Decide to cease any processes that are identified as being dangerous and detrimental to the safety of persons or to property, and in the event of current or imminent serious incidents or environmental disasters决定停止任何被认定为危险和有害于人身或财产安全的进程,并及时制止当前或即将发生的严重事件或环境灾难。

1. 汽车零部件行业3年以上同类岗位工作经历,熟悉IATF体系及五大质量管理工具,熟悉主机厂要求,熟悉质量问题解决方法等必备质量管理经验;
2. 英语四级及以上,能回复邮件及电话会议沟通。
3. 熟悉面板类注塑工艺,了解膜内注塑、喷漆、面板类装配更好。

51米多多提醒你:在招聘、录用期间要求你支付费用的行为都必须提高警惕。 以招聘为名的培训、招生,许诺推荐其他工作机会,甚至提供培训贷款,或者支付体检 、服装、押金和培训等费用后才能录用工作的,都属于违法行为,应当提高警惕。一经发现,请立即举报,并向当地公安机关报案。


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