

人 · 大专 · 3年及以上工作经验 · 性别不限2024/11/29发布




主要职责 Main Responsibility:
1. 熟悉车间的日常管理流程,对于异常情况的处理和反馈升级流程执行。
Familiar with the daily management of production team. Able to handle the abnormality and escalation.
2. 根据生产计划,合理安排人员,减少人员浪费, 生产调度、管理、控制和提高生产效率
According to the planning, Arrange the manpower properly to reduce the waste, Production scheduling, management, control and improve productivity
3. 负责落实各项生产安全制度,开展经常性安全检查
Responsible for implementation of production safety system, carry out regular safety inspection.
4. 监督执行所管辖职责范围内的相关规章制度和作业程序标准
To supervise the implementation of relevant rules and regulations and operating procedures standards within the scope under the responsible district.
5. 产出未达成和产品质量问题的分析,制定并实施纠正和预防措施
Participate in the analysis of output lower target and product quality problems, formulate and implement corrective and preventive measures.
6. 负责生产各种异常问题的及时处理和跟进,包括(品质异常、物料异常、人员协调、设备故障…)-经验总结
Responsible for the timely handling and follow-up of various abnormal production problems, including(Quality exception,material exception,personnel coordination,equipment failure…)- Lesson learning
7. 车间现场的5S,人员纪律管理,尤其是夜班,周末的管理
Manage the 5S and discipline, especially night shift and weekends.
8. 流程图/工单阅读
Reading a process sheet/work order
9. 换装时压力、上料和电气控制系统的程序选择符合工艺要求Independent setting-up of the press, the feeding and discharging systems, the control units (in online mode) with the data saved on the machine PC, according to process sheet and defined standards
10. 监测设备,进行必要的调整,并独立消除任何与生产有关的故障
Monitoring the equipment, carrying out necessary adjustments and independently eliminating any production-related malfunctions
11. 工人的质量自检控制/质量控制生产的零件, 异常状态下的可疑工件隔离, 隔离和标识不良品
Worker’s quality self-control/quality control of produced parts, taking out products of the process in case of malfunctions, blocking and labeling Nok parts
12. 汇报信息给生产经理及分享给其他同事
Passing on information to production manager and colleagues
13. 在机器、质量出现重大异常时,得到上级批准可以停线,紧急情况下可先停线再汇报
When there is a major abnormality in the quality, or machine, the line can be stopped with the approval of the superior. In case of emergency, the line can be stopped *** and then reported
14. 保证产线的整洁,独立进行基本的维修(推动TPM活动)
Keep the cleanness of the line,Carrying out maintenance and basic repair works (TPM) independently
15. 每日班组会、生产区域会议的召开以及问题升级
Daily pre-shift meeting and production area S2QCD meeting and problem escalation
16. 关注工作场所包括日常设备的安全隐患
Observing safety regulations at the workplace, including daily control of safety equipment
17. 关注水资源及环境法规
Observing water resources and environmental regulations
18. 确保每日生产数据准确(人员机器配置、数据、班次、生产的零件号、合格与不合格产品等) Keeping a shift log with key data (name of machine operator, date, shift, produced part number, batch number, piece number OK, piece number NOK etc.)
19. 员工培训(包括指导、观察试用期/培训期的员工进行作业)
Train new employee(including job observation on employee during probation/training period).
20. 对下属员工进行配置、指导、培养、激励和评估;处理员工绩效相关问题及纪律问题的处理
Personal placement planning and allocation: guidance, support, motivation and performance assessment of employees; processing of performance related issues and disciplinary actions.
21. 参与公司相关的改进优化活动
Regular active participation in the improvement measures being continuously implemented in the Company
22. 遵守公司的工作指导方针和工作安全和环境保护目标
Compliance with and continuous improvement of the guidelines and their objectives for safety at work and environmental protection effective in the Company
23. 理解并遵守蒂森克虏伯公司的合规政策
Observing the thyssenkrupp Compliance Policy and acting accordingly

1. 大专及以上学历、机电及相关专业
College degree and above in Mechanical/ Electrical Engineering or related fields
2. 电脑操作(Office software、 SAP、MES);运输工具操作;基础的英语能力
PC and printer skills; license for operating floor-conveyance vehicles (esp. fork lift trucks, electric hand pallet trucks and ground-operated cranes) - some knowledge of English desirable,
3. 3年以上相关生产工作经验
3years Basic work experience as machine operator in production

51米多多提醒你:在招聘、录用期间要求你支付费用的行为都必须提高警惕。 以招聘为名的培训、招生,许诺推荐其他工作机会,甚至提供培训贷款,或者支付体检 、服装、押金和培训等费用后才能录用工作的,都属于违法行为,应当提高警惕。一经发现,请立即举报,并向当地公安机关报案。


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