一、计划 Planning 1. 负责S&OP(销售与运营计划)流程的主持和执行,协调各部门的工作,确保供应链各环节的协同运作。 Preside S&OP meeting, coordinate all aspects of supply chain 2. 制定和定期更新同步MPS(主生产计划)和人力计划等供应链计划流程,制定MRP(物料需求计划),避免产生呆滞库存。 Make out MPS, MRP, headcount planning, guarantee operation run in smooth. 3. 与销售、生产、采购、质量等部门紧密合作,确保供应链计划与公司整体战略一致,满足客户需求与实现成本节约目标。 Work closely with sales, production, procurement and quality dep, improve customer satisfaction and reach cost saving target. 4. 收集和分析供应链各环节的数据,进行供应链数据分析,为决策提供数据支持,不断优化供应链计划。 Collect and analyze supply chain data, find margin and continuous improve supply chain plan. 5. 负责供应链风险管理与时间管理,识别供应链中的潜在风险,制定应对措施,降低供应链风险对公司的影响。 Arrange risk and time management, insight potential risk, make out alternative measurement, decrease loss. 二、仓库 Warehouse 1. 制定仓库安全标准以及人员安全操作要求,识别并及时排查各种隐患 Establish warehouse safety standard and safety operation requirements, recognize and eliminate safety risk, set out material pre-alarm in advance. 2. 负责仓库日常工作管理,协调部门与各职能部门之间的工作; Arrange warehouse daily work, coordinate all function dep, guarantee warehouse operation run in smooth. 3. 负责制定和修订仓库作业程序及管理制度,完善仓库管理的各项流程和标准; Make out warehouse process and regulation, improve warehouse performance and reach KPI. 4. 规划仓库布局,实现场地、物料、人员、仓储设备的合理规划,并加以控制 Organize the layout of warehouse, realize and control space, material, manpower and equipment plan. 5. 优化仓库库存并且确保库存准确率,包括ERP账内及其它账上物资 Optimize the stock and ensure inventory accuracy, including all inventory in ERP and other accounts 6. 负责组织仓库盘点工作,定期维护更新仓库相关的系统和文档,确保卡、账、物一致; Arrange stock counting and make sure zero discrepancy between physical and system stock. 三、团队建设 Team building 1. 培养团队接班人; Improve team member skill and professional knowledge, raise back-up, 2. 提高团队的绩效,带领团队完成各项目标; Improve team performance and reach all target 任职资格Qualification: 教育背景Education background: ◆大专以上学历College or above。 培训经历Training experience: ◆受过计划管理、仓库管理、财务会计基本知识等方面的培训。 Trained in planning and warehouse management, basic knowledge of financial accounting, etc. 经 验Experience: ◆五年以上相关工作经验 At least 5 years’ relevant experience Accept interns. 技能技巧ability and skills: ◆英语熟练 Proficiency in English ◆熟悉物流管理体系,了解ERP系统及ISO体系 Familiar with logistic and warehouse management system, have good knowledge of ERP and Trade, good understanding ISO9000 system. ◆优异管理能力,擅长沟通,协调,有团队合作精神 Strong leadership, good communication, coordination and negotiation shills, teamwork spirit. Familiar with the company's process, production process and working principle ◆熟练使用办公软件。 Proficiency in Microsoft Office software. 态 度 Attitude: ◆积极主动、灵活应变、认真负责; Active, positive, flexible, careful and responsible ◆能吃苦耐劳,沟通协调能力强,具有团队精神。 Hard-working, have good communication and coordination ability and teamwork spirit.