project Launch management & Improving production efficiency对新项目开发工作进行管理和指导,使项目生产及工艺达到优化,降低成本提高竞争力 o New program launch management to ensure the work packages delivered on time successfully.新项目启动阶段管理,确保项目工作包的及时交付及项目启动的成功。 o Ensure FES tools implemented during launch, and keep communicating.确保在项目启动阶段FES工具得到贯彻与执行,及时反馈需要支持的问题。 o Assistant to control launching cost in different functions: production, logistic, office, etc.协助管控新项目所需的启动费用。 o Make human resource requirements in plant and issue the staffing plan. 制定工厂的人员需求并编制人员招聘(到岗)计划。 o Working with plant team to optimize the layout/process/efficiency/quality, consolidate outputs meet the time schedule团结工厂团队,优化布局、工艺、效率及质量,按进度完成各项输出及改进。 o Ensure the plant layout according to the lean standard, ensure production’s quality and safety, improve working efficiency 确保按照精益的原则安排生产布局,确保产品质量,提高生产效率,确保安全生产。 o Working with program team to implement Engineer Change Management (ECM) in plant. 协调项目组落实好工程变更内容在工厂的执行工作。 o Validate the capacity and arrange the Run Rate trails in launching phase, ensure the preparatory works are finished in plant. 及时组织项目阶段的节拍试生产并验证生产能力,确保工厂各项启动准备工作的完成。 o Monitor, maintain, manage and evaluate the whole procedure according to production flow, PFMEA and operation standard依照生产流程,PFMEA以及操作程序标准对生产及加工程序进行维护,监督,管理及评估 o Manage the new facility setup and handover the facility to UAP.管理好新设备的设置并移交给UAP