

人 · 硕士 · 无需经验 · 性别不限2025/01/31发布




Core Job Responsibilities
- 通过远程数据采集与监视控制系统操作自动化生产设备组,按照生产计划并与其他岗位人员密切沟通,生产出符合国家标准以及雅培标准的高质量产品。
- By monitoring PCS system and closely communicating with other colleagues to achieve production schedule to deliver product with high standard quality which within both government and company’s standards.

- 实时监控并记录运行参数,负责完成批次生产记录的填写,确保记录完整、准确并符合良好生产规范(GMP)的要求。
- Monitor and record processing parameters in time, and be responsible to the integrity and accuracy of process batch record to compliance with GMP standard.

- 基于内部技术培训体系,对生产过程中的复杂状况和紧急事件作出***时间初步处理,并向主管汇报以及给出合理化建议,协助主管解决问题并进行预防性的改善措施。
- Based on the internal training hierarchy, capable to take immediate actions once facing the complicated situation or urgent incidents during shift manufacturing, report to the shift supervisor and generate the reasonable suggestions, assist shift supervisor to resolve problems and to have preventive actions.

- 根据标准作业程序和GMP操作,完成工艺车间的设备以及环境的清洁消毒,并协同质量部微生物采样以确保设备的***的卫生标准。
- Finish the equipment and environment clean and sanitization of Process area with fully follow the SOP and GMP standard. Supporting Micro Lab to swab the process area to ensure highly GMP status.

- 掌握湿混,蒸发器,干燥塔,干混或称量配料的一种设备,并能够独立操作设备进行生产,必要时能够进行手动的干预操作确保正常运行。
- Be accomplished in operating wet equipment, evaporators, dryer, dry blending equipment or weighing & dispensing to perform production with himself, if necessary, can manually operating to ensure equipment smooth running.

- 能够协调其他所有岗位进行生产操作,并能够并积极地为其他岗位的工作提供技术帮助或解决故障。
- Coordinate all the working positions. Take active and effective actions to support the operations of all these positions.

- 熟练掌握本区域内设备的控制逻辑并能够通过查询程序或参数曲线判断复杂故障;
- Well understand the control logic of the equipment in responsible area and be capable to identify the issues by checking automation procedure or process chart.

- 提出合理可行的优化建议,并主导或参与提高质量/效率、降低成本以及安全的项目。
- Initiating continuous improvement suggestions, and leading or involve in projects to improve the quality, efficiency, cost control and safety.

- 能够独立进行SOP\JA编写,能独立进行黄带项目。
- Can write SOP/JA independently, can lead yellow belt project.

- 确保个人以及责任区域任何操作符合公司政策和规章制度、GMP以及环境/健康/安全的要求,发现与上述要求相背离的现象发生时,***时间予以制止并通知主管。- Ensure any individual behaviors in drying area are fully compliance to the company’s policies, GMP standard and EHS requirement. Any deviation identified, take immediate corrective actions and report to supervisor

- 及时完成主管安排的工作。
- Finish the tasks assigned by supervisor on time.

学历要求Minimum Education
- 大专及以上,专业要求食品类、生物类、化工类、机械类、电子类或其他工程背景专业等,特别优秀者或有丰富工作经验者可适当放宽此限。
- College graduate or above.
Dairy, biology, petrochemical, mechanics, electronics or other engineering industry background.
Rich experience might remedy a defect in education partly

经验/培训要求Minimum Experience / Training Required
- 在乳制品企业生产岗位具有2年以上婴幼儿配方乳粉生产经验
- Minimum 2 years working experience in infant formula powder industry

- 5年以上生产技术领域工作经验,特别优秀者可适当放宽此限
- More than 5 years technic related working experience. Soften curbs is considered for any outstanding talents.

- 基本的英文读写能力
- Basic English level in reading and written

- 熟练运用电脑及office软件
- Good computer and office software skill.

- 与其他部门沟通,了解计划的执行
- Communicate with other departments and understand the implementation of the plan.

- 能适应倒班工作
- Good computer and office software skill.

51米多多提醒你:在招聘、录用期间要求你支付费用的行为都必须提高警惕。 以招聘为名的培训、招生,许诺推荐其他工作机会,甚至提供培训贷款,或者支付体检 、服装、押金和培训等费用后才能录用工作的,都属于违法行为,应当提高警惕。一经发现,请立即举报,并向当地公安机关报案。


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