您是否热衷于将技术与玩具相结合? 您想为孩子们的积木游戏和学习体验质量方面有所作为吗? ?加入乐高集团!帮助乐高集团实现成为世界领导者的使命! 你的职责: 1. 在适当的条件下维护乐高模具,保证生产可靠 Maintain LEGO moulds in proper conditions to guarantee a reliable production output. 2. 在加工区域内使用普通的机床完成零部件的制造工作 Carry out spare part fabrication tasks within the machining area by common machine. 3. 在专家的指导下进行简单的数控机床操作(比如火花机或线切割). Do the simple operation in NC machine under the guidance of Specialist. 4. 及时向主管汇报模具维修和制造过程中出现的异常情况 Immediate report to supervisor about abnormal conditions detected on moulds repairing and manufacturing processes. 5. 根据生产需要和优先事项进行日常维修 Perform daily repairs de according to production needs and priorities. 6. 与同事交流(改变,分享经验和知识) Communication with colleagues (shift changes, share experiences and knowledge). 7. 在关键的决策过程中,必须请求直接主管的支持 In terms of critical decision making, must request support from immediate supervisor. 8. 符合质量管理体系要求 Comply with QMS requirements. 9. 完成上级领导安排的其它工作任务。 Accomplish other tasks assigned by manager. 要求: 1、大专学历优先(机械类)/(模具类) 2、有5年左右操作加工机台的经验(需有电火花或线切割经验) 乐高嘉兴工厂:继丹麦、匈牙利、捷克、墨西哥4家工厂之后,在浙江嘉兴市建造的亚洲工厂,2015年10月份正式投产,秉承全球海外工厂的技术生产力和自动化操作模式;同时一如既往关怀员工,重视员工的价值体现与职场规划,致力于打造强大的乐高企业文化,与员工一起成长共创美好未来!我们将为员工提供优厚的薪资福利和广阔的发展空间。地址:嘉兴经济开发区桐乡大道2283号 加入乐高集团!您将得到: √标准/综合工时制度? √公司食堂提供工作餐 √嘉兴市内提供班车接送 √提供13薪+年终奖 Children are our role models. Their curiosity, creativity and imagination inspire everything we do. We strive to create a diverse, dynamic and inclusive culture of play at the LEGO Group, where everyone feels safe, valued and they belong. The LEGO Group is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We are committed to equal employment opportunity and equal pay regardless of e.g. race, colour, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability or gender identity. The LEGO Group is fully committed to Children’s Rights and Child Wellbeing across the globe. Candidates offered positions with high engagement with children are required to take part in Child Safeguarding Background Screening, as a condition of the offer.