

来料检验班长IQC leader
人 · 初中及以下 · 2年及以上工作经验 · 性别不限2025/02/19发布




Overall responsibilities and duties:
一、质量管理Quality Management
1. 带领 IQC 团队对来料进行严格检验,确保来料符合公司质量标准。配合SQE制定合理的检验计划和抽样方案,明确检验项目、标准和方法。
1. Lead the IQC team to conduct strict inspections on incoming materials to ensure that they meet the company's quality standards. You need to formulate reasonable inspection plans and sampling schemes, and clarify inspection items, standards, and methods.
2. 对检验中发现的不合格来料,及时通知相关部门,并跟进处理结果。确保不合格品得到有效管控,防止其流入生产线。
2. For unqualified incoming materials found during inspection, promptly notify relevant departments and follow up on the handling results. Ensure that unqualified products are effectively controlled to prevent them from flowing into the production line.
3. 定期分析来料质量数据,制作质量报告,向相关部门和上级领导汇报来料质量状况。通过数据分析,找出质量问题的根源,并提出改进措施。
3. Regularly analyze incoming material quality data, prepare quality reports, and report the incoming material quality status to relevant departments and superior leaders. Through data analysis, find the root causes of quality problems and propose improvement measures.
二、团队管理II. Team Management
1. 负责 IQC 检验人员的日常管理工作,包括考勤、工作安排、绩效考核等。确保团队成员按时完成检验任务,保证工作效率和质量。
1. Be responsible for the daily management of IQC inspectors, including attendance, work arrangement, performance appraisal, etc. You must ensure that team members complete inspection tasks on time and ensure work efficiency and quality.
2. 组织开展 IQC 团队的培训和技能提升活动,提高团队整体业务水平。包括质量标准、检验方法、仪器设备使用等方面的培训。
2. Organize and carry out training and skill improvement activities for the IQC team to improve the overall business level of the team. This includes training on quality standards, inspection methods, and the use of instrument and equipment.
3. 激励团队成员,营造良好的工作氛围,增强团队凝聚力。及时解决团队成员在工作中遇到的问题和困难,给予支持和帮助。
3. Motivate team members, create a good working atmosphere, and enhance team cohesion. Timely solve problems and difficulties encountered by team members at work and provide support and help.
三、流程优化 Process Optimization
1. 不断优化 IQC 检验流程,提高检验效率和准确性。通过引入新的检验技术、改进检验方法、优化工作流程等方式来实现。
1. Continuously optimize the IQC inspection process to improve inspection efficiency and accuracy. You can achieve this by introducing new inspection technologies, improving inspection methods, and optimizing work processes.
2. 参与公司质量管理体系的建设和完善,确保 IQC 工作符合体系要求。积极配合相关部门进行内部审核和管理评审,推动质量体系的持续改进。
2. Participate in the construction and improvement of the company's quality management system to ensure that IQC work complies with system requirements. Actively cooperate with relevant departments in internal audits and management reviews to promote the continuous improvement of the quality system.
3. 与供应商保持良好的沟通,协助采购部门对供应商进行管理。反馈来料质量问题,要求供应商采取改进措施,提高供应商品质。
3. Maintain good communication with suppliers and assist the procurement department in managing suppliers. Feed back incoming material quality issues and require suppliers to take improvement measures to improve supplier quality.
四、其他工作Other Work
1. 完成上级领导交办的其他任务,积极配合公司其他部门的工作。
1. Complete other tasks assigned by superior leaders and actively cooperate with the work of other departments in the company.
2. 参与公司质量改进项目,为提升公司整体质量水平贡献力量。
2. Participate in the company's quality improvement projects and contribute to improving the company's overall quality level.
The ideal candidate will have/be:
Minimum education level: Junior High school 初中及以上
Experience :
o Corrected visual acuity 1.0 above 纠正视力1.0以上
o Above 2 years experience in incoming inspection. 两年及其以上相关经验,人员管理经验
o General IATF 16949 knowledge. 了解IATF 16949基础知识
o Be familiar with using measure equipment :caliper, height gauge ,etc.会使用相关的测量工具:游标卡尺,高度尺,角度尺,硬度计。
o Can understand drawing 能够很清楚地理解图纸。

51米多多提醒你:在招聘、录用期间要求你支付费用的行为都必须提高警惕。 以招聘为名的培训、招生,许诺推荐其他工作机会,甚至提供培训贷款,或者支付体检 、服装、押金和培训等费用后才能录用工作的,都属于违法行为,应当提高警惕。一经发现,请立即举报,并向当地公安机关报案。


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