1. 严格按照流程规定要求进行自动化设备操作,完成生产目标及产出。 Fully follow standard procedure to monitor and operate the processing equipment to achieve production plan and deliver production output.
2. 严格按照GMP规范进行生产操作及设备环境清洁消毒,确保产品质量符合公司规定的标准, 并承担相应质量保证职责。 Ensure consistent compliance to GMP in shift operation and sanitization of equipment and environment. Ensure product quality within company’s standard, andstandard and be responsible to quality assurance.
3. 严格遵循公司安全规范,确保无安全生产事故发生。 Fully follow the company’s EHS policies, ensure no EHS incidents occurred.
4. 通过生产项目改善活动,提高产品质量,提高生产效率,降低成本和安全改善。 Initiating continuous improvement project to improve the quality, efficiency, cost control and safety of process operation.