根据生产计划提供物料数据 Provide material data as per production plan. 对物料进行管控 Control materials. 物料数据异常的提报与处理 Report and handle material data anomaly. 订单结尾的提报,跟进结果 Report the conclusion of any order and do follow-up. 参与来料检验和仓库物料的数据掌握 Participate in data collection over incoming materials and warehouse stock. 负责生产物料区域干净整洁,物料摆放有序,不出现混放乱放,不能超出物料区。 Maintain cleanliness and neatness in the material stacking area and ensure that materials are stacked in an orderly manner without mixing with each other or going beyond the delineated zone. 负责对库房没有及时发出的物料进行催促监督; Urge and supervise timely distribution of materials from the warehouse. 及时给车间主任和计划报物料发放进度 Report material distribution schedule to workshop director and production planner. 完成上级交办的其它临时性工作项目 Accomplish other temporary tasks assigned by higher-level leaders.