1 根据生产计划组织、协调生产;管理工单,以及相关的原料、在制品、不良品以及成品 Organize and coordinate production as per the production plan; manage work orders and related raw materials, work in progress, defective products, and finished products. 2 按照质量目标,即时检查生产产出情况,监控生产效率,监控并生产订单完成情况,做到按计划及时完成生产任务。 According to the quality objectives, the production output is checked in real time, the production efficiency is monitored, and the completion of production orders is monitored, so that the production tasks can be completed in time according to the plan. 3 管理生产设备维护保养计划的制定及执行 Manage the formulation and implementation of maintenance plans for production equipment. 4 制订和执行生产线相关制度、流程 Formulate and implement systems and processes relating to production lines. 5 管理、培训和提升团队 Manage, train, and improve the team. 6 制订和执行生产现场布局以及6S Formulate and implement production site layout and 6S management. 7 主导或者参加各种有关的项目工作,包括精益生产项目和成本节约项目等 Lead or take part in various related projects, including lean production projects and cost-saving projects, etc. 8 负责车间员工的人员考勤、纪律、绩效管理工作 Be in charge of the check on work attendance, discipline, and performance management of workers in workshops 9 完成上级交办的其它临时性工作项目 Accomplish other temporary tasks assigned by higher-level leaders.